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Posted 8 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

Free Paper Rolls
Community Post 2016 applications are open
Childproof containers needed for gully resroration project


Rolls of paper are back in the centre. Great for kids' craft projects and teaching. Sorry, we can't put them on hold and they are available on a first-come basis, so get here quickly if you want any. 



Applications are open

New Zealand Post supports community organisations and the valuable work they do through Community Post. This year, we’re looking forward to donating 1 million postage-included envelopes and other NZ Post services to not-for-profit groups across New Zealand to help with their community projects. Find out more...



Mangaiti Gully Restoration Trust is under way in setting up a community based pest control programme for the gully system boundered by Gordonton Road in the east, Wairere Drive in the south and Hukanui Road in the West. Very basically this involves getting a bait station or trap for rats located in each 50 meter grid of the gully that covers a map of the area.

At the moment they are developing a risk assessment plan (Health & Safety) for the project and are looking for containers (examples are in the photos) that have childproof screw caps. 

If you have any they can have now, or in the future, please send an email to Rex Bushell (gullyrestoration@gmail.com) who will arrange to get ithem picked up.

Mangaiti Gully Restoration Trust is under way in setting up a community based pest control programme for the gully system boundered by Gordonton Road in the east, Wairere Drive in the south and Hukanui Road in the West. Very basically this involves getting a bait station or trap for rats located in each 50 meter grid of the gully that covers a map of the area. 
At the moment we are developing a risk assessment plan (Health & Safety) for the project. This is where you may be able to help. We are looking for containers (examples are in the photos) that have kiddy locked screw caps. If you have a swimming pool you probably have them. The yellow container has fabric whitener & nappy treatment in it that we buy from pak- n- save. This particular brand (Pams) is the only one I have seen with the kiddy lock lid. 
If you have one we can have now, or in the future, please send me an email and I will arrange to get it picked up.

Childproof containers for gully project



Mangaiti Gully Restoration Trust is under way in setting up a community based pest control programme for the gully system boundered by Gordonton Road in the east, Wairere Drive in the south and Hukanui Road in the West. Very basically this involves getting a bait station or trap for rats located in each 50 meter grid of the gully that covers a map of the area.

The Trust is looking for containers (examples are in the photos) that have childproof screw caps. If you have any they can have now, or in the future, please email Rex Bushell who will arrange to get it picked up. gullyrestoration@gmail.com


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