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Posted 8 years, 6 months ago    0 comments

Kaivolution Film Fundraiser
Steps to Organic Certification
Electric Bikes: Free workshop
Workshop Series: Money Skills and Creating a Sustainable Home
Sustainable Business Network Events
Friends of Waiwhakareke Potting Bee
Botanical Illustrator Wanted


Kaivolution Film Fundraiser!

Date: Saturday 3rd September, 1.30pm
Venue: Lido Cinema, Hamilton

This is your opportunity to support Kaivolution - Hamilton's acclaimed food rescue programme!

Purchase a movie ticket to 'Tomorrow' (see movie trailer) and contribute to the success of Kaivolution. Every ticket purchased contributes to free tickets for our 60 volunteers. Without these awesome volunteers, Kaivolution just would not happen!

Tickets are $20 and are available for purchase online or at the Waikato Environment Centre, 242 Peachgrove Rd, Hamilton.

The price of your movie tickets includes some special treats - an opportunity to meet and mingle with the Kaivolution team, and try the tasty delights of Kaivolution food. Gather at 12.45pm for meet, mingle and eats!

If you can't make the movie, please consider making a donation on our website - kaivolution.org.nz.

Contact Anna Casey-Cox for more information on anna@envirocentre.org.nz

Please also circulate the attached poster to friends who might be interested in joining us.

Tomorrow Hamilton Fundraiser poster.pdf

Steps to Organic Certification 

What are they?

Date: Monday 22nd August, 12-1.30pm
Venue: Waikato Environment Centre, 242 Peachgrove Rd, Hamilton

Come and find with Tim Newton from OrganicFarm NZ Waikato at the Waikato Sustainability Network Meeting. Cup of tea provided.

Facilitated by Anna Casey-Cox - anna@envirocentre.org.nz

Electric Bikes: Free workshop

Date: Saturday 17th September 11am-1pm
Venue: Waikato Environment Centre, 242 Peachgrove Road, Hamilton

Join Waikato Environment Centre, MeloYelo and electric bike expert Alex Kendon for this free workshop with opportunities for test rides.

  • Learn about the benefits of electric bikes
  • The pros and cons of buying a new electric bike versus converting your existing bike
  • Evaluate whether your bike is suitable for converting to electric
  • What the conversion process involves and what tools you need
  • Doing your own conversion, versus getting expert help
  • New electric bikes: An overview
  • Q&A
  • Test rides

RSVP: By Sept 15 Email rob@evolocity.co.nz

Workshop Series:

Money Skills and Creating a Sustainable Home

This 8-part workshop series is specifically designed for service providers working with clients who are facing financial hardship. The first 6 sessions are led by Yana Llewell and focus on easy tips to sustainably manage your finances, this is how to make the most of what you already have. Camilla Carty-Melis (Waikato Environment Centre) will be running the last 2 sessions, which focus on home performance and creating warmer, healthier homes on a budget.

The workshops will give you a whole new portfolio of information about financial sustainability and better resource management. It is an opportunity for professional development, with a certificate offered upon completion.

Yana Llewell is a Money Skills facilitator; she works for Westpac and volunteers her time to run financial advice programmes that benefit our community. 

See the attached flyer for further information.

For more information or to RSVP contact Camilla at sustainablefuture@envirocentre.org.nz 

Money Skills and Sustainable Living - Invitation.pdf

Sustainable Business Network Events

8-Part Workshop Series

When: The last Wednesday of each month, starting 31st August 7.15-8.45am
Venue: Waikato Environment Centre, 242 Peachgrove Rd, Hamilton 

Join an eight part workshop series to learn about key social and environmental issues relevant to your business.

RSVP by email to admin@envirocentre.org.nz

See the attached flyer below for more information including cost.


Free Presentation:
David Slone, CSE Buying Group

Date: Tuesday 13 September, 5pm
Venue: The Good Neighbour, Rototuna 

CSC Buying Group is a social enterprise, with profits going to support community initiatives. Davd will give a short presentation about the enterprise, including what they can offer to other SBN members.


Friends of Waiwhakareke Potting Bee

FOW will be potting at 172 West Rd on 9am-12pm, Friday 19th August. We look forward to your help there. Bring morning tea and if you are unsure of anything ring 078558296 or email Catherine Smith at blchsmiths@gmail.com

Botanical Illustrator Wanted

The Waikato Botanical Society may be interested in an exhibition coming up at the end of September. Entitled FERNZ: An exploration of Pteridophyta and the Kiwi icon. The multi-faceted show is composed of objects from our own collection, Te Papa’s and private loans that together help narrate the complex science behind ferns and its adoption as a New Zealand emblem.

We are now looking at potential public programmes to coincide with this show and are seeking a local botanical illustrator interested in conducting a workshop here at the Waikato Museum. 

Please contact Salina Ghazally at Salina.Ghazally@hcc.govt.nz

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