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Posted 8 years, 6 months ago    0 comments

Funding opportunities
Riverlea Environment Society Working Bee
Facebook page for Living Streets Hamilton!
Kauri Dieback workshop
Ruapuke beach planting bee
Fruit tree grafting workshop
Free paper rolls

Funding Opportunities

Skycity Hamilton Community Trust annual funding round

The application form, guidance notes and seminar details for the funding round are attached. The round is now open through to the 30 September at 5.00pm!

SHCT Application Form 2016.docx
SHCT Funder Seminar Invite.pdf
SHCT Guidance Notes 2016.pdf

Small Scale Community Initiatives Fund

The Small Scale Community Initiatives Fund (SSCIF) is funded through the biosecurity targeted rate and is designed to support volunteer community groups and individual landowners undertaking ecological restoration initiatives within the Waikato region. The principal purpose of the fund is to enable the purchase of materials, up to the value of $5,000, used in pest animal/plant pest control and/or for plants in ecological restoration projects.

One of our contacts has provided some tips for the application: If you have any monitoring data it would be good to include it to detail effectiveness, and also a map of your traps/bait lines is always appreciated. If you are working close to other landowners or groups, detail how you might be working with them to maximise the site work.


This weekend: Riverlea Environment Society Working Bee

When: This Saturday 27 August 1-3 pm!
Where: Meet Malcolm Street end of the boardwalk in Hammond Park, Riverlea.
Bring: hedgeclippers or secateurs.
Wear: strong shoes and gloves

Light refreshments (baking and drinks) provided afterwards onsite.

Juvenile tui in Chesterman Road, photo by Peter Copeman

Contact: riverlea.soc@gmail.com

Facebook page for Living Streets Hamilton!

Living Streets Hamilton now has a Facebook page which you can find at https://www.facebook.com/LivingStreetsHamilton

Check out the page for HCC candidate views on pedestrian matters. The aim right now is to give council and mayoral candidates a chance to talk about their views on the future of walking in Hamilton, so they've asked them three very simple questions:

  1. What is your opinion on pedestrian facilities in Hamilton?
  2. What, if anything, would you like to see changed?
  3. If you would like to see change, how would you see it being achieved?

Living Streets Hamilton already have responses from four candidates and are of course hoping for many more and lots of good conversations over the next few weeks as the election campaigns get into gear.

So, please go and have a look, and if you find it interesting, 'Like' the page to spread it further through the community.

Invitation: Kauri Dieback workshop in Thames

This workshop on Kauri Dieback will be held at Matai Whetu Marae, Kopu, Coromandel, on Saturday 10th September, .

It may be useful for some from Hamilton are able to attend, specifically in regards to Waiwhakareke Natural Heritage Park and the planting of Kauri now and in the future.

Kauri Dieback Workshop, 10 Sep 16.pdf

Ruapuke beach planting bee

Everyone welcome!

When: Saturday, September 3rd; 1pm - 3pm.
Where: North Ruapuke Beach. Swan Access Road, Ruapuke.

Meet in the carpark by the toilets. Brin a spade, gloves and footwear suitable for digging.

Contact: admin@envirocentre.org.nz or Ph. 07 839 4452. If you would like to carpool from Raglan please contact the Waikato Environment Centre to register. There will be a limited number of petrol vouchers available.

Fruit Tree Grafting Workshop:

The NZ Tree Crops Association

When: Friday 9 September, 7pm
Where: St Frances Community Church, Mansel Avenue, Hamilton

Cost: $10 for NZTCA members or $20 for non-members.

See attached flyer for more information or contact Beryl Grove by email to waikato@treecrops.org.nz or phone 027 695 6229.

Free Paper Rolls!

Our latest listing is for heavy duty brown paper rolls from Sealed Air. Great for artwork, tablecloths, notepaper, wallpaper, origami! We can't reserve them so get in quick to get yours. 

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