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Posted 8 years, 6 months ago    0 comments

Looking after Large Landscapes workshop
Wonderbag workshop
Electric bikes workshop
Draft National Strategy for Environmental Education for Sustainability 2016-2026
Forest and Bird events
Te Pahu Landcare Group weeding bee

Looking after Large Landscapes workshop

Tutor: Maxine Fraser
When: Saturday, 10 September; 9am­–5pm
Where: Waikato Environment Centre, 242 Peachgrove Road, Hamilton

There is still time to register for this weekend's workshop!

Take animals and soil care to a larger scale; look at the elements here which include water, shelter, shade, grazing, herbal leys and fodder crops. Explore the potential in plantations, forests and natural eco-systems as valuable resources (food, timber, firewood, etc.) and consider aspects such as protection, restoration and pest management.

Focus on trees, the lungs and stabilisers of the earth, and providing resilience in the landscape. Rarely do you find someone with the depth of knowledge that Maxine has in native plants, productive trees and the farming landscape. Make the most of this opportunity!

Fee: $135 (Discount available for WEC members).

This session can be attended as a workshop or be credited towards a Permaculture Design Certificate (Module 8).

To find out more contact us on permaculture@envirocentre.org.nz or call us on 839 4452.

Wonderbag workshop

When: Sunday 11th September, 1pm
Where: The Waikato Environment Centre, 242 Peachgrove Road, Hamilton

Spaces are still available at this collaborative workshop, brought to you by SHAMA Hamilton Ethnic Women's Centre and the Waikato Environment Centre. Samantha Rose from SHAMA Hamilton Ethnic Women's Centre will be teaching women about the wonders of the wonderbag - an eco slow cooker that cooks food through the simple process of insulation. Create beautiful delicious soups, stews and hot pots while lowering your electricity bill.

Please contact Sam at SHAMA on projects@shama.nz or 027 843 3002 to reserve your spot.

Electric Bikes: Free workshop

Date: Saturday 17th September, 11am-1pm
Venue: Waikato Environment Centre, 242 Peachgrove Road, Hamilton

Join Waikato Environment Centre, MeloYelo and electric bike expert Alex Kendon for this free workshop with opportunities for test rides.

  • Learn about the benefits of electric bikes
  • The pros and cons of buying a new electric bike versus converting your existing bike
  • Evaluate whether your bike is suitable for converting to electric
  • What the conversion process involves and what tools you need
  • Doing your own conversion, versus getting expert help
  • New electric bikes: An overview
  • Q&A
  • Test rides

RSVP: By Sept 15 by email to rob@evolocity.co.nz

Draft National Strategy for Environmental Education for Sustainability 2016-2026

From the Department of Conservation, New Zealand 

Have your say on the draft National Strategy for Environmental Education for Sustainability 2016-2026 at doc.govt.nz/eefs

The Strategy is being developed through collaboration, including the Department of Conservation, Ministry for the Environment and Ministry of Education.

Feedback is being sought by 5pm Monday 10 October 2016.

More information.

Forest and Bird events

Walk at Kaniwhaniwha

When: Sunday 11th September

Join us for a daywalk at Kaniwhaniwha in the Pirongia Forest Park. Leave Hamilton at 9 am to arrive at the carpark at 9.30 at 615 Limeworks Loop Rd - the start of the walk. The walk will take us through native bush up the Blue Bill Stream, past the Kaniwhaniwha Caves, and finish at the tallest recorded native tree in New Zealand - a 66.5m Kahikatea.

Leader Matthew Lillis, 0278084226 Please email matthew.lillis@gmail.com if you are coming. Anyone wanting to carpool let Matthew know, and we can meet at Dinsdale Countdown carpark at 9am.

Conservation Week Talk

When: Thursday 15th September7.30pm
Where: Chartwell Room, Hamilton Gardens

Find out what Waikato Branch is involved with in our district. Neil Fitzgerald will tell us how volunteers can help with a new pest control project at our own Walter Scott Reserve. Plus we will hear about a Hamilton-wide project that Waikato Branch is supporting to control mammalian pests in the urban area.

Bookings for dinner prior to the talk at 6.15 to Jane McLeod by 10th September $12.50 per person, phone 856 2505 jane.mcleod64@gmail.com

Waikato Branch Community Day

When: 18th September
Where: Walter Scott Reserve, 80 Scott Rd, Puketotara 3876

Meet there at 10.30am: walk through the reserve, meet the neighbours, see what is proposed for pest control and perhaps volunteer to get involved.

RSVP: Jane - 021 146 7789 or jane.mcleod64@gmail.com lunch provided.

Te Pahu Landcare Group weeding bee

When: Sunday 11th September, 9.30am to 11.30am
Where: Kaniwhaniwha Reserve, Limeworks Loop Road

Te Pahu Landcare Group invite you to their monthly weeding session on

Bring gloves and tools (spade, rake, loppers, grubber etc). You will be working within the Reserve itself as there is some blackberry and some Montbretia to dig out.

You are welcome to bring a drink and picnic and/or your bikes and afterwards you can enjoy a well deserved break by the stream where your picnic will taste all the better after your good work!

You could then bike along the Nikau walkway to the campground and bike the loop track, or bring a torch and explore the Kaniwhaniwha caves.

This event is family friendly and will happen whatever the weather, so come prepared.

Children who participate can get a ‘Explorer’ medal 

For further info call Nardene on 825 9112 or email nardene@tepahu.co.nz

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