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Posted 8 years, 4 months ago    0 comments

10 ways to make a more sustainable busines
Community Engagement and Enhancement: SBN workshop
Food Safety Regulations and Local Food
Earth Matters podcast available now
Te Ao Māori Workshop
Friends of Waiwhakareke working bee
Volunteer at the Hammond Park Community Fund Day
Advanced Permaculture Design Course

10 ways to make a more sustainable business

When: Wednesday 26th of October; 5.30-7pm
Where: Bank of New Zealand BNZ, 51 Victoria St Cambridge 

This workshop is a great opportunity to get some ideas on how to make your sustainability journey not only meaningful, but also engaging and fun! This event is in conjunction with Cambridge Chamber of Commerce NZ, brought to you in collaboration with PAUA Architects Limited.

This event costs $35 to attend ($25 for members of the Cambridge Chamber of Commerce NZ). Contact Camilla sustainablefuture@envirocentre.org.nz at for more information.

Waikato Business Sustainability Workshop

Community Engagement and Enhancement

The final workshop in the series is coming up. Join us for breakfast and hear Anna and Rob from Anglican Action share their stories about business engagement with communities.

Food Safety Regulations and Local Food

Waikato Sustainability Network Meeting

When: Monday the 31st of October, 12-1.30pm
Where: Waikato Environment Centre, 242 Peachgrove Rd, Hamilton.

What impact will the new food safety legislation have on the local food movement? Come and meet and chat with Cindy Norris, an Environmental Health Officer who regulates and educates in respect of food safety regulation.

Please come and network, share your work, your passion and enjoy a cup of tea. Bring your lunch or food to share if you would like.

Earth Matters: Housing and the environment

Catch up on what you missed on our radio show last night. The latest Earth Matters podcast is available now. There is no doubt that Hamilton has a housing problem that is also part of a wider New Zealand problem. Last night Anna and Samantha talked about housing and the environment. We welcome you to listen and support us to brainstorm solutions around socio-economic housing in conjunction with environmental stewardship by adding your comments and thoughts. Earth Matters is our new radio show that we broadcast fortnightly on Wednesday evenings in collaboration with the community. The show is available live on radio and online (live and podcast) on Free FM community radio. Tune in fortnightly at 5pm on Wednesdays for the show.

Te Ao Māori Workshop

There is still time to register for this workshop. 

Tutors: Āwhina Barrett and Matua Hēpara (Shepherd Isaac)

When: Saturday, 29 October; 9am– 5pm.
Where: Waikato Environment Centre, 242 Peachgrove Road, Hamilton.
Fee: $135 (Discount available for WEC members)

To find out more contact us on permaculture@envirocentre.org.nz or call us on 07 839 4452.

This workshop offers opportunities to learn about Māori relationships to land, waters and sky. It includes Māori stories, culture, wisdom and spirituality, and how this links to the practices of Earth care and People care. There will also be a trip to a native planting land, where we look at planting for personal, societal and environmental healing.

*Painting of Papatūānuku by Phil Mokaraka Berry of Ngāpuhi, accessed from Te Ara – the Encyclopedia of New Zealand www.TeAra.govt.nz/en/artwork/18374/papatuanuku

For more information see the attached document.


Friends of Waiwhakareke working bee

The next Friends of Waiwhakareke weeding and releasing morning is coming up soon.

When: Saturday 29 October, 9am-midday
Where: Meet in the car park on Brymer Road opposite the zoo.

There will be some extra people attending from a Church group. People will workin teams.Some people indicated at the last working bee that they were happy to be team leaders for the working bee and they will be contacted by email to confirm that this is OK.

The Arbor Day plants will be released. Wear gloves and bring pruners or small slasher. Most of the releasing is stomping around the plants and removing any big invasive weeds. Bring wet-weather gear if rain is forecast. Wear gumboots if the week has been rainy, and of course bring morning tea.

Volunteers will be asked to sign in on arrival, as a H&S requirement, and must provide contact details and your next of kin contact details

Volunteer at the Hammond Park Community Fund Day

When: Saturday 29 October, 1-3.30pm
Where: Hammond Park (entrance off end of Malcolm Street, Riverlea, Hamilton)

The following volunteers are needed to help out at the Hammond Park Community Fund Day.

1 x 'gofer': someone who can be a gofer on the day helping with anything we need a driver's license in case we need more sausages from New World!

1 x sign placer: someone to put up about 10 'community event signs' between 12 & 1 on Cambridge Road, Cobham Drive and the streets that lead to the Park (Hammond, Hudson, Howell, etc.).

2 games supervisors:  1-3.30 pm, the games are simple yet engaging and you'll get a brief instruction card you'll get to repeat them several times with different groups of children you need to like working with children and be able to give clear directions.

4 x performers - Peka the Bat & Woody Weed: 4 playful people needed to interact with event attendees it's hot work being in costume so you won't need to be in costume for more than 30 minutes at a time, hence 4 people to share the job interested? We'll help you get into character, and provide you some game and interaction ideas.

If you can help please contact Anne Ferrier-Watson, Riverlea Environment Society Incorporated at riverlea.soc@gmail.com

Advanced Permaculture Design Course

with Dan Palmer

25-27 November 2016, Tauranga

There is revolution going on in the world of permaculture design, right here in little ole NZ. The course will be an engaging weekend with teacher Dan Palmer, getting to the essentials of successful life and property design. This course is for people who have a basic permaculture education and would like to feel much more confident about doing quality designing for real people on real properties. Find out more...

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