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Posted 8 years, 4 months ago    0 comments

Te Ao Māori Workshop
Food Safety Regulations and Local Food
Going batty in November!
Waikato TimeBank Orientation Session
Make 'Mobile' Workshop
Electric Bike Workshop & Test Rides
Hammond Park Community Fund Day
Volunteer at the Hammond Park Community Fund Day

Te Ao Māori Workshop

This weekend

There is still time to register for this workshop. 

Tutors: Āwhina Barrett and Matua Hēpara (Shepherd Isaac)

When: Saturday, 29 October; 9am– 5pm.
Where: Waikato Environment Centre, 242 Peachgrove Road, Hamilton
Fee: $135 (Discount available for WEC members).

To find out more contact us on permaculture@envirocentre.org.nz or call us on 07 839 4452.

This workshop offers opportunities to learn about Māori relationships to land, waters and sky. It includes Māori stories, culture, wisdom and spirituality, and how this links to the practices of Earth care and People care. There will also be a trip to a native planting land, where we look at planting for personal, societal and environmental healing.

*Painting of Papatūānuku by Phil Mokaraka Berry of Ngāpuhi, accessed from Te Ara – the Encyclopedia of New Zealand www.TeAra.govt.nz/en/artwork/18374/papatuanuku

For more information see the attached document.


Food Safety Regulations and Local Food

Waikato Sustainability Network Meeting

When: Monday 31st of October, 12-1.30pm
Where: Waikato Environment Centre, 242 Peachgrove Rd, Hamilton.

Food Safety Regulations and Local Food - What impact will the new food safety legislation have on the local food movement? Come and meet and chat with Cindy Norris, an Environmental Health Officer who regulates and educates in respect of food safety regulation.

Please come and network, share your work, your passion and enjoy a cup of tea. Bring your lunch or food to share if you would like.

Going batty in November!

Crafters needed

When: Tuesday 1 November, 5.30-8pm
Where: Waikato Environment Centre, 242 Peachgrove Road, Hamilton.

We are looking for people with great sewing and craft skills to volunteer some time to help us create some bat themed products that can be sold at the upcoming Bat Symposium (which is part of the Ecological Restoration Australasia Conference) on 20 November. The aim is to raise funds for Project Echo. If you can come along and help us out please contact Sarah at sarah@envirocentre.org.nz or by phone 07 839 4452.

Waikato TimeBank Orientation Session

When: Tuesday 1 November 12.15-1.15pm
Where: Waikato Environment Centre, 242 Peachgrove Road, Hamilton.

Are you interested in finding out more about, or signing up to, Waikato TimeBank? Come along and find out more about timebanking, or join the group orientation session as part of the sign-up process.

Time banking is a mutual volunteering system that uses time, rather than money, as a currency. TimeBank members exchange services in a pay-it-forward way, sharing skills, knowledge and talents with each other. Within TimeBank, everyone's time is equal.

If you have time, complete your online sign-up and the attached form and bring it along to the session. This will speed up you membership application process so you can get started as soon as possible.

WTB Membership Application Form.pdf

Make 'Mobile' Workshop

When: Thursday 17th November & Wednesday 23rd November 2016, 6.30pm start
Where: Waikato Environment Centre, 242 Peachgrove Road, Hamilton.

Electric Bike Workshop & Test Rides

When: 19 November, 11am-1pm
Where: Waikato Environment Centre, 242 Peachgrove Road, Hamilton
RSVP: By 15 November to email rob@evolocity.co.nz

Join Waikato Environment Centre, MeloYelo and electric bike expert Bruce McKenzie for a free workshop. Learn about the benefits of electric bikes; the pros and cons of buying a new electric bike versus convering your exising bike; evaluate whether your bike is suitable for converting to electric; what the conversion process involves and what tools you need; doing your own conversion, versus getting expert help; new electric bikes: an overview; Q&A; and test rides.

environment centre invitation 101016.pdf

Volunteer at the Hammond Park Community Fund Day

When: Saturday 29 October, 1-3.30pm
Where: Hammond Park (entrance off end of Malcolm Street, Riverlea, Hamilton).

The following volunteers are needed to help out at the Hammond Park Community Fund Day.

1 x 'gofer': someone who can be a gofer on the day helping with anything we need a driver's license in case we need more sausages from New World!

1 x sign placer: someone to put up about 10 'community event signs' between 12 & 1 on Cambridge Road, Cobham Drive and the streets that lead to the Park (Hammond, Hudson, Howell, etc.).

2 games supervisors: 1-3.30 pm, the games are simple yet engaging and you'll get a brief instruction card you'll get to repeat them several times with different groups of children you need to like working with children and be able to give clear directions.

4 x performers - Peka the Bat & Woody Weed: 4 playful people needed to interact with event attendees it's hot work being in costume so you won't need to be in costume for more than 30 minutes at a time, hence 4 people to share the job interested? We'll help you get into character, and provide you some game and interaction ideas.

If you can help please contact Anne Ferrier-Watson, Riverlea Environment Society Incorporated at riverlea.soc@gmail.com


Two Olympus Pearlcorder T1000 transcribers (for micro-cassettes) plus an HP Laserjet 5M printer: all in good working order - just surplus to requirements. Enquiries to Robyn, contact email rbservices@ihug.co.nz or phone 07 8565241.

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