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Posted 8 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

Talking Rubbish

Marvellous Monday and the Waikato Sustainability Network meeting

Monday 28 November 12-2pm
At the Waikato Environment Centre, 242 Peachgrove Road, Hamilton

Marvelous Monday's at WEC are rolling on, with next week's session focused on Waste Minimisation. WEC staff just love to Talk Rubbish - it's true! And we have a fantastic Eco Store full of products that can help you reduce your waste. Unless we change our ways, by 2050 there will be more weight of plastic in the oceans than there are fish - yikes!!

Visitors to Marvelous Monday are encouraged to join the Waikato Sustainability Network meeting (12-1.30pm) and listen to Emily Botje, HCC Asset Manager and Waste Expert, discuss Hamilton City Council Waste Management Proposals. Emily will provide you with the information and insights you need to make your submission on the Hamilton City Council Waste Management proposals due by the 30th of November. Waikato Sustainability Network meeting are held every four Monday of the month and cover a range of topic areas. These meetings, facilitated by Anna, will now feature as part of WEC's Marvelous Mondays!

Vote TODAY for Kiwibank’s next Predator Free Community

Help determine who will be Kiwibank’s next Predator Free Community by voting for your favourite.

Watch the videos and choose the one you’d like to win. Then tell your friends to vote. The entries have also been placed on a map to show you where they are located in NZ.

Voting closes at 5pm TODAY, 25th November 2016. Please note, only votes received on the website will count. http://predatorfreenz.org/get-involved/video-competition/

The ten communities with the most votes will become finalists and from those finalists the judges will choose five winners.

The winners will be announced on the 2nd December at 5pm.

Good luck to all our entrants.

RESTORE wants a swimmable lake!

If you want this too, please join us in making a submission on the Draft Lake Domain Management Plan: Submission to Hamilton City Council. Access the online form.

Hammond Park Working Bee

Our last working bee for 2016

This Saturday (TOMORROW), 1 - 3pm Hammond Park.

Rain or shine, get your gumboots on and meet at the Malcolm street end of the boardwalk in Hammond Park, Riverlea.

We will be weeding among the willows and elders and possibly clearing parts of the river bank depending on numbers and ability. Children are welcome (but not great for toddlers).

What should I bring? Secateurs or gardening knife, long sleeves, gardening gloves - we can supply some if needed. And what about afterwards? Stick around for light refreshments (baking and drinks) afterwards onsite.

This will go ahead unless there is a metservice weather warning, in which case we'll send out an email and post on our facebook page (which you might like to peek at even if you're not on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Riverleaenvironmentsociety/)

Te Kauri-Waikuku Trust AGM

4:30pm, Tuesday 6 December 2016
At the Waikato Environment Centre, 242 Peachgrove rd, Hamilton

Motion: to change the Trust Deed item 11.3 Audit to read:

The Board shall, as soon as practicable after the end of every financial year of the Board, cause the annual accounts of the Board for that financial year to be prepared by an accountant appointed by the Board for that purpose and the Board shall present the accounts to the annual meeting of the Trust together with an estimate of income and expenditure for the current year. An audit of the accounts by an accountant appointed by the Board, shall be voluntary.

Flora of New Zealand Book

Allan Cunningham’s book, Precursor to the Flora of New Zealand, (compiled by Peter Heenan, Brian Molloy and Jeremy Rolfe) is to be published in early 2017. The book is being offered at a pre-publication price of $40 including GST and postage until 5 January 2017. After that date the price will increase to $50.

The book can be ordered from the NZPCN online shop or by completing the form in the flyer.

Please circulate the flyer widely through your newsletters or networks.


Mangaiti Gully Restoration Group blog

Are you following the Mangaiti Gully Restoration Group blog site?

The latest postings include:

  • Serious about predator control in Hamilton (urgent vote required)
  • Rototuna Primary School active in Gully
  • Annual Tree sale
  • Restored an old seat

Check it out at http://gullyrestoration.blogspot.com/

Advisory Committee for Regional Environment (ACRE) Nominations

An opportunity to be involved in environmental issues across the Waikato Region.

Nominations for membership of ACRE are open and people or groups/organisations within the Waikato region are invited to apply. Members are appointed from around the region and meetings are held monthly in Hamilton. Nominees will be required to indicate their support of ACRE’s objectives and to indicate their acceptance of the nomination and of the duties of membership. If you are interested, please go to www.waikatoregion.govt.nz/Community/Your-community/ACRE/ to read the rules and terms of reference for ACRE complete the nomination form and forward it to Waikato Regional Council, using these contact details claire.ross@waikatoregion.govt.nz

Nominations close on 2 December at 5pm

Waikato Botanical Society - End of year do

Monday 28th November, 5.30-7.30pm

The date has been set for the end of year do. It will be on the 28th November between 5:30 and 7:30. Bot Soc will provide drinks and nibbles. Everyone is invited to talk for 5 minutes and show some photos. It doesn't have to be botanically related.

They are still working on a venue - more information is to come

Contact: Kerry Jones, 027 747 0733.

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