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Latest News and Events

Posted 8 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

Today is the meteorological start of summer! It's going to be a busy few weeks before we break for the holidays. Below is information about upcoming events and news from the Waikato Environment Centre and community groups.

Come work with us

We are sad to announce that our retail guru, Jan, is leaving us before the end of the year. While we are excited about the new adventures ahead of her, she will be leaving behind big shoes that need to be filled.

So, we have an exciting opportunity for an eco-minded retail whizz to join the team. We need someone to start in this role as soon as possible so get your application in quick.

YOU could be Waikato Environment Centre’s next Eco Shop & Admin star, if:

  • You’re passionate about helping people live more sustainably, minimising waste, and supporting local
  • You’re confident with accounts and administration
  • You have great communication skills, and love talking with people
  • You’re computer & internet savvy
  • You have attention to detail and great time management
  • You’re flexible, and happy to chip in with other tasks
  • You’re fit enough to lift boxes

Ideal - but not essential if you’re a quick learner:

  • Retail and stock control experience
  • MYOB experience
  • Knowledge of environmental issues or activities.

The role is currently 25 hours per week, Monday to Friday; job share may be possible.

For a full job description, or more information, please contact Sonia Fursdon, Manager at Waikato Environment Centre: sonia@envirocentre.org.nz, ph 07 839 4452.

Catch up:
Earth Matters Radio Show

Yesterday's radio show looked at food waste and two awesome community initiatives that are supporting our community to make the best use of our precious resources. Sam and Anna spoke with Simon from Kaivolution and Colleen Bourne from Community Fruit Pick. Community Fruit Pick has rescued tonnes of apples, persimmons, pears, citrus and feijoas from our orchards and neighbourhood trees sharing this out to our community. Since its inception in 2014, Kaivolution has rescued over 200 tonnes of food - wow! You can catch up on the podcast of these good news food rescue stories on Free FM 89.0

Green Drinks at WEC

When: Tuesday 13 December 3.30-7pm
Where: Waikato Environment Centre, 242 Peachgrove Road, Hamilton

It's hard to believe that another year has almost passed and that the silly season is almost upon us. To show our gratitude for your support and to celebrate another awesome year, you are invited to drop by the centre at any time between 3.30 and 7pm on 13 December to enjoy some entertainment and fun, say hello, and have a drink with us. Mark it in your diary now.

Marvellous Mondays

Marvellous Mondays continue to run at the Waikato Environment Centre from 12pm until 2pm. Next week there is no specific topic or presentation but there will be staff here who can answer your questions around things like our efficient home performance service and the Waikato TimeBank. So, please pop in and ask us your questions. It would also be a great time to bring in your e-waste for recycling (charges apply).

NZAEE Xmas meeting:
Waikato branch

The end of the year is fast approaching but time for one last gathering on Thursday 15 December from 5.30-7pm at the Waikato Environment Centre. There will be drinks and nibbles, Andrea Soanes’ will tell stories from her recent trip to the subantarctic islands (amazing) and we will consider what we should input into the national executive for work next year. We will also consider support for each other for next year, including hosting a climate change education forum in conjunction with Seaweek at the beginning of March. Oh, and we will have a short AGM too.

Hope you can make it. Please RSVP to me at c.eames@waikato.ac.nz by December 12 if you will attend.

Waikato Biodiversity Forum Newsletter

Enjoy the catch up on a slice of what’s happening around the region in the attachment below:

Newsletter November 2016 Number 52.pdf

Toy Trade

Saturday 10th December, 10am-1pm
Garden Place, Hamilton

The day has come to clear out your toy box and wardrobe. If you are between the ages of 5 and 12, register for a stall and come along and swap, trade or sell toys with other children! See the registration form attached below:

HCC_ChristmasCity_Toy Trade_A4 Registration Form_FINAL.pdf

World Soils Day

NZ Society of Soil Science, Waikato Museum and the University of Waikato invite you to celebrate World Soils Day on 5 December, 4-5.30pm at the Waikato Museum. View the attached invitation for more information about the programme.

World Soils Day 2016_Uni NZSSS invite-1.pdf

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