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Living streets strolls, Waikato Show, WRC fielday

Posted 10 years, 11 months ago    0 comments

Reminder - Living Streets strolls  - both at 2pm

April 6th  Waiwhakareke reserve. This guided tour, again led by a Living Streets member with long experience of the Waiwhakareke restoration, will lead you around the present reserve and point out the land area concerned. The history of the area and its restoration programme will be explained as the walk progresses. Meet in the carpark directly across the road from the Hamilton Zoo by 2pm.

April 13th
The second walk is an exploration of urban parks and local walkways in the Te Rapa area. Meet at 2pm on April 13th at the corner of Morrow St and Totara Drive for a fascinating stroll through local parks, connecting alleyways (including some superb graffiti art) and a lovely section of the riverbank walkway below the St Andrews Golf Course.

Waikato Show 11th - 13th April

The EnviroExpo is once again in Hall A, so come along and see what groups and organisations are up to. What lives in our gullies, what is around at night, live beasties and more. Only $5 for adults.
10 - 6 each day.

Aerator(s) :
If anyone has a spare aerator or two for a fishtank that we could borrow for a few days please let us know (email)
Volunteers : If anyone would like to come along and help during the show please contact Katherine at the Centre. We just need helpers to relieve stall holders, and be a bit of added security so if you are able to give a few hours please let me know. We will give you a pass to get into the Show.

Tuesday 6th May
WRC Fieldday at Raglan 

The annual Waikato Regional Council fieldday is being held this year on Tues 6 May at Raglan. It starts with morning tea at 9.30 at Sunset Motel Hall and finishes at 3.30. This year the focus is on harbour care, riparian planting and freshwater fish.....opportunity for volunteers from all the Waikato- Coromandel to meet and share common interests in conservation.

Please email Bala  if you'd like to attend.

Tikkisetty, Bala

Fresh Honey in the Centre

We have new supplies of delicious Sweetree Marakopa Spring honey and some new Active 10+ Ohui Manuka honey.
Come by and pick some up.

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