Looking after Large Landscapes
Zones 3-5
Tutor: Maxine Fraser
When: Saturday, 10 September; 9am–5pm.
Where: Waikato Environment Centre, 242 Peachgrove Road, Hamilton.
Take animals and soil care to a larger scale; look at the elements here which include water, shelter, shade, grazing, herbal leys and fodder crops. Explore the potential in plantations, forests and natural eco-systems as valuable resources (food, timber, firewood, etc.) and consider aspects such as protection, restoration and pest management.
Focus on trees, the lungs and stabilisers of the earth, and providing resilience in the landscape. Rarely do you find someone with the depth of knowledge that Maxine has in native plants, productive trees and the farming landscape. Make the most of this opportunity!
Fee: $135 (Discount available for WEC members).
This session can be attended as a workshop or be credited towards a Permaculture Design Certificate (Module 8).
To find out more contact us on permaculture@envirocentre.org.nz or call us on 839 4452.