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Love Doc Day! today 25 Ward St 12noon to 2

Posted 11 years, 11 months ago    2 comments

Reminder - come along in your lunch hour today (12.30 ish would be good) to the Environment Centre - down on the pavement - and show your love for DoC. We will be there to take your messages via postit notes and photos to national Forest and Bird  to be publicised and presented to the government.


Because DoC has had $54m cut from its funding over the past 4 years
It looks after a third of NZ's area, 33 marine reserves, and 6 marine mammal sanctuaries

Doc isessential to looking after our biodiversity and green image, which directly or indirectly employs thousands of New Zealanders.

and a lot of other reasons that you can find out about when you come along to 25 Ward St!! or look on the Forest and Bird website.



11 years, 11 months ago
If Doc worked with volunteers better you would not need so many staff maybe. Doc could, in my experience be more community minded. We have been working as part of a group of volunteers without funding in a gully and Doc have been a thorn in the side.Been dictatorial and not offered help.
11 years, 11 months ago
HI there, thanks for your comment. Today is the day to celebrate all the great things that DoC staff do - fantastic tracks, huts, information, pest control, and without the level of work that they do we would not have nearly the wonderful outdoor experiences available to us, and to tourists.We are showing the government that the work they do is valuable and resourcing should not be reduced. Volunteers do a huge amount but could never pick up all the work that DoC currently undertakes.
So, sorry that you have had negative experiences, but do let the Environment Centre know if there is anything we can help you with in your gully.

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