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Mangaonua Planting Day, Hamilton Gully Restoration Series 2014, Community Meeting Te Aroha

Posted 10 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

Community Planting Day

Saturday 2nd August 2014, 10am

At Maungaonua Esplanade

Meet at corner of Silverdale Rd & Morrinsville Rd in association with Ngati Haua Mahi Trust.


Hamilton Gully Restoration Series 2014

Seminar Session One - 21st August, 7pm - 8:30pm

S1.01, Gate 8, Hillcrest Rd, University of Waikato

Introduction to Hamilton Gully Restoration, Bats in Hamilton's Gullies, Kukutaruhe restoration experiences, Pest animal identification and control.

Gully Trip One - 23rd August 9am - 12pm

Tamahere Nursery - Devine Rd, off Airport Rd, next to Tamahere School Hall. 

Growing your own natives - plant identification, seed sourcing, sowing and plant care.  Morning tea provided.

Seminar Session two - 28th August 7-8:30pm.

S1.01, Gate 8, Hillcrest Rd, University of Waikato

Native trees of Hamilton Gullies, Mangakotukutuku restoration experiences, Pest plant id and control, Q&A session.

Gully Trip two - 30th August 10am - 1pm

Claudelands Bush / Te Papanui and Jennifer Place. Meet at the Waikato Migrant Resource Centre, Boundary Rd.

Understanding restoration targets - explore a remnant Hamilton forest and visit an advanced gully restoration. Morning tea provided.

Queries to Catherine Kirby: c.kirby@waikato.ac.nz

Community Meeting - Te Aroha

Saturday 9 August 2014, 2pm – 5pm

Venue: The Future Te Aroha Centre,13 Boundary Street, Te Aroha

Tea, coffee and refreshments will be provided. The Kaimai Mamaku Catchments Project invites you to a community meeting on the environmental health and restoration of the Te Aroha region.

For further information or to RSVP please contact Kate Akers, NZ Landcare Trust on 07 574 8310



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