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March Events

Posted 14 years ago    0 comments

Sunday 6th March

Tamahere Gully Care/Ecosourced Waikato Seed Collection day

The first Sunday in March is our annual seed collection field trip when we go out to a site to collect seed for propagation.

Last year we went to Pukemokemoke Bush at Gordonton and managed to collect seed from a variety of species, including totara, matai and kaikomako. Because this bush has a good selection of plants, and we have the permission of the Pukemokemoke Bush Reserve Trust to collect seed, we will go there again this year under the guidance of Wayne Bennett.

The meeting place is the car park at Pukemokemoke Bush, Whitikahu Road, at 1.00pm on Sunday 6 March. There is a very nice gazebo a short distance along the track from the car park so you might like to arrive a bit earlier and have a picnic lunch. Allow three hours for the seed collection exercise although you are welcome to leave whenever it suits you. Bring some plastic bags or containers for collecting seed and wear suitable footwear.
The following month on Sunday 3 April, Wayne will run a session on seed treatment and sowing at the Tamahere Community Nursery.

on behalf of Tamahere Gully Care/Ecosourced Waikato
Ph 8581010 (w) 856 8995 (h)

Sunday 6th March

Sustainable Sustenance on Sundays

Traditional Umu
1pm, at Hamilton Gardens.$30
Traditional Maori Hangi food and methods, help in the preparation, along with weaving flax food baskets, and talks on traditional food and preservation.
Book through the Hamilton Permaculture Trust, 834 2249, email permaham@actrix.co.nz

Sunday 6th March

Waikato Botanical Society Trip
Kaimais’ Te Tuhi Track

A 45 minute walk across farmland is followed by a steep walk up on to the tops of the Kaimais. Once on the plateau we will have time to botanise through the tawa dominated forests in the area with abundant fern populations.

Meet: The end of Te Tuhi Road off Old Te Aroha Rd at 9:15am
Leader: Kerry Jones: mob) 027 747 0733
ph) 07 855 9700 / e) kmjones@doc.govt.nz
Grade: Medium/ Hard

Sunday 13th March

Federated Farmers present Farm Day

Leave the city behind you and join us out in the paddock for some FREE family fun! Experience the sights, sounds and smells of farming.

Bill and Sue Garland
Rahiri Farm, End of Rahiri Road,
RD 3, Cambridge 3495

10am – 3pm

Guided farm walk
Interactive activities for children
Farm demonstrations
Visit www.farmday.org.nz for maps, directions and further information.

FARM DA Y is a national agricultural event coordinated and hosted by Federated Farmers of New Zealand

Saturday 26th March

On the Road to Self Sufficiency - Living Green in Style
Join the Hamilton Permaculture Trust on a bus tour to explore properties which are all on the road to self-suffciency.

View:  3 different styles of earth building; income streams; quick and easy approach to despatching chickens for eating; organic and permaculture principles, biodynamics and feng shui in action on different properties.

$40 includes organic lunch.
Leaves Hamilton 9am,  returning 5pm.
Book your seat with Hamilton Permaculture Trust 834 2249 or permaham@actrix.co.nz




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