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Maungatautari consultation

Posted 16 years, 7 months ago    0 comments


The Maungatautari Ecological Island Trust is seeking community input into its long term planning and funding strategy through community consultation during August.

We'd like feedback on how the community sees the project in the future - as an eco experience with tree top walks, an information centre, the chance to see the wildlife up close, or, as a more natural experience without the tourism frills.

This input will help determine which funding avenues the Trust explores over the next five years.

Maungatautari is the largest multi-species pest proof fenced area in New Zealand. Takahe, kiwi, kaka and kokopu have already been reintroduced to the two pest free enclosures.

Maungatautari is considered the most significant conservation opportunity for kokako, stitchbird, and North Island saddleback, and an essential protected refuge for a wide range of other wildlife, for example the pair of South Island takahe already released onto the mountain.

Join our consultation road show at the following halls in early August. If you can't make it to one of these halls please call into the office in Cambridge for a form (64 Alpha Street, the back half of the Vosper Law building), or download one off the website www.maungatrust.org during the month of August.

We value your feedback!

Tues 12 August Putaruru (Bridge Club Rooms) Overdale Street, Putaruru (opposite library) 10am -1pm
Tues 12 August Hora Hora Hall Maungatautari Road, RD 2, Cambridge 3pm-6pm
Wed 13 August Roto-o-rangi Hall Kairangi Road, RD 3, Cambridge 10am-1pm
Wed 13 August Pukeatua Hall Arapuni Road, Pukeatua 2pm-6pm
Thurs 14 August Environment Centre 25 Ward Street, Hamilton 3pm-6pm
Fri 15 August MEIT Office 64 Alpha Street, Cambridge 10am-4pm
Sat 16 August Te Awamutu Council Chambers 101 Bank Street, Te Awamutu 10am-1pm


Maungatautari Ecological Island Trust
64 Alpha Street
P.O. Box 476
Cambridge, New Zealand
Ph: 07 823 7455
Fax: 07 823 7456

Website: www.maungatrust.org



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