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May happenings

Posted 13 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

Tuesday 3rd May 4pm
Wednesday 4th May 8.10pm

QUEEN OF THE SUN -  What are the bee's telling us? (G) DOCUMENTARY SPECIAL

Victoria Cinema

 A documentary exploring the current global honeybee crisis. What crisis? Bees are disappearing in mass numbers with no clear explanation. Since 2006, media has been reporting the phenomenon with commercial beekeepers reporting losses of an average of 30% of their colony (some losses are as high as 90%). Scientists call this phenomenon Colony Collapse Disorder. Told through the stories and opinions of biodynamic beekeepers, scientists, farmers, and philosophers from around the world, this film investigates the history of beekeeping, how our historic relationship with bees has been lost due to mechanised industrial practices and the dire implications of the crisis.

Saturday 7th May

Forest and Bird Native Plant Sale

Pak'n'save Carpark, Mill St,
Get in early - 8am start.
Bring your shopping trundler and fill it up!
Heaps of very reasonably priced plants.
Info Colleen Brimblecombe 07 855 5626

Thursday 19th May

 The 2011 AGM of the Riverlea Environment Society will take place at 46 Chesterman Road, Riverlea, at 7pm on 19 May. The AGM will be followed by a talk by Wiremu Puke of Nga Mana Toopu on the traditional Maori garden Te Parapara in the Hamilton Gardens. A light supper will be served after the meeting.

Nominations are called for Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary and committee members. Nominations should be proposed and seconded in writing to the Secretary, Linda Fell, 40 Chesterman Rd, Riverlea, or by email to riverlea.soc@gmail.com by 5pm on 12 May.

Biodiversity Condition and Advice Funds - Funding round open

The next funding round is now open for applications and will close 3pm Wednesday 1 June 2011.


Prior discussion with Fund staff can be useful for anyone proposing to submit an application. Additionally if you have any questions or wish to discuss any aspect of your project please feel free to call us on 0800 86 2020. Notification of outcome is anticipated in September 2011.

How to apply:
You need to familiarise yourself with the Biodiversity Fund Guides and Exclusions for funding www.biodiversity.govt.nz/land/nzbs/pvtland/conditionapps.html

Please use only ONE of the following methods to apply:
* Online applications: you are strongly encouraged to submit applications online using the appropriate form for the Advice Fund or Condition Fund www.biodiversity.govt.nz/apply Refer to the online application guide for helpful notes and hints www.biodiversity.govt.nz/land/nzbs/pvtland/Guide_4_Electronic_Online_Applications.pdf

* Manuel applications: If you are submitting an application manually you must use the appropriate and revised applications forms for this round www.biodiversity.govt.nz/land/nzbs/pvtland/conditionapps.html

Further information and assistance
Please call our free phone 0800 86 2020 and talk to Meg or Susie James


www.doc.govt.nz | www.biodiversity.govt.nz


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