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Meet the Candidates evening, "Choice!" - Comedy, Fruit Tree Pruning Workshop

Posted 10 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

"Meet the Candidates" evening

Wednesday 6 August, 7:30pm

Chartwell Room, Hamilton Gardens.

The evening is for party reps to answer questions on sustainability and the environment. Attending are Cliff Allen (Labour), David Bennett (Nat), Nanaia Mahuta (Lab), Mark Servian (Greens), Ron Smith (ACT),  and Barbara Stewart (NZ First). MC'd by Dr. Chris Eames. Light refreshments to follow.  Sponsored by Forest & Bird Society, and Waikato Environment Centre. Enquiries phone Ruth  07 839 445207 839 4452.

"Choice!!" A comedic satire from Fullhouse Productions.

14 - 23 August. For tickets visit http://fullhouseproductions.co.nz/

This show is about the effects of advertising and consumerism on our lives, society and planet. It has a strong environmental message, promoting recycling and sustainability through cool use of comedy.

Wilderland Organic Fruit Tree Pruning workshop.

Saturday 16 August, 10am - 4pm.

Wilderland Community Tairua-Whitianga Rd. Follow Wilderland sign at end of Comers Rd. driveway.

If extreme weather, change to Sun August 17. $50 book in advance. Ph 07 866 384807 866 3848. contact@wilderland.org.nz. www.facebook.com/WilderlandTrust



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