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Meet the candidates event - and other news

Posted 8 years, 6 months ago    0 comments

Meet the Hamilton City Council East and West Ward Candidates

You are warmly invited to come and meet the people standing for election this October. Tonight's session will provide an opportunity to find out the candidates' views on sustainability and environmental issues.

Where: Hamilton Gardens Pavilion
When: Wednesday 14th September. Doors will open at 7pm for chatting and refreshments, and we will begin at 7.30pm.

Enquiries: sarah@envirocentre.org.nz

Electric Bikes: Free workshop

Date: Saturday 17th September, 11am-1pm
Venue: Waikato Environment Centre, 242 Peachgrove Road, Hamilton

Join Waikato Environment Centre, MeloYelo and electric bike expert Alex Kendon for this free workshop with opportunities for test rides.

  • Learn about the benefits of electric bikes
  • The pros and cons of buying a new electric bike versus converting your existing bike
  • Evaluate whether your bike is suitable for converting to electric
  • What the conversion process involves and what tools you need
  • Doing your own conversion, versus getting expert help
  • New electric bikes: An overview
  • Q&A
  • Test rides

RSVP: By Sept 15 by email to rob@evolocity.co.nz

Native Plant Sale

Native plants in planter bags, well-grown, eco-sourced, plantable now, at competitive prices, surplus to own restoration project. Available: Wineberry, Kawakawa, Kowhai, Pate, Totara, Maori privet.

Please contact Betty Collins ph 07 8478271 email: collb@vodafone.co.nz for more details

Become a certified organic grower

A series of practical sessions and field trips about organic growing and farming. This is a great opportunity to learn about organics and be supported through the process of organic certification.

OrganicFarmNZ is offering a series of workshops which are open to all.

Participants can sign up to become certified organic growers and attend the sessions of their choice.

OrganicFarmNZ is a participatory guarantee scheme where growers support each other through the certification process.

To register, email organicfarmwaikato@gmail.com phone 0211035755 or 0210387623

Inaugural SERA Awards for Restoration Excellence

Nominations are now open for outstanding projects from Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific islands to be considered for SERA two inaugural biennial awards for:

  1. Excellence in ecological restoration practice, with two subcategories
    a) Larger scale projects (i.e. 50ha and greater) - $3,000 plus certificate and trophy;
    b) Smaller scale projects (i.e. below 50 ha) - $1,000 plus certificate and trophy.
  2. The most outstanding student project - $1,000 plus certificate and trophy.

The 2016 awards nomination period closes 15 September 2016.

Entry is easy – visit http://www.seraustralasia.com/pages/SERAawards.html and click on the "APPLY NOW" button.

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