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Miropiko Working Day and plants for sale

Posted 11 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

Sunday 12th May

Working Day at Miropiko Reserve,
339 River Rd.

Waikato Forest and Bird will be hosting a working day at Miropiko Reserve next Sunday.  Bring gloves, spade, gardening footwear. Morning tea provided. Everyone welcome.

Flaxes and Cabbage Trees available

Waikato Forest and Bird have Phormium cookianum hybrids,  available in various colour combinations, and many red and other various colour cabbage trees, in root trainers. Good healthy plants.
Let me know soon if you are interested, as some advertised on Trademe were bought the same day.

If you are interested please contact Katherine 839 4452 or 021 267 2773. Make an offer for quantities, or pay $2 per plant.
There will be some at the Environment Centre if you want to have a look.



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