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Mokihinui River campaigns - get active and save this beautiful river

Posted 14 years, 1 month ago    0 comments

Hamilton Mokihinui River Forum with Kevin Hague

Thursday, 17th February

7:30pm - 9:30pm

Where: S.G.03 Waikato University

You are warmly invited to a special forum hosted by Kevin Hague MP about the Mokihinui river.
Kevin will screen 'A Tale of Two Rivers' and excerpts from Craig Potton's 'Rivers' TV series, followed by a discussion on the Mokihinui, the proposed dam, and what we can do.

 For more information about the event contact Cathy Legg on greatcathy@yahoo.com.au . For more information about the Mokihinui river and campaign, see http://www.greens.org.nz/mokihinui .

Damn the Dam: Save the Mokihinui

There is also more information on the Forest and Bird website -http://www.forestandbird.org.nz/what-we-do/campaigns/save-mokihinui-damn-dam
At the mouth of this deeply incised granite gorge, Meridian Energy has proposed a vast hydro scheme –an 85 metre high dam that would radically changing this spectacular gorge. Recently this state-owned enterprise was given resource consent to go ahead with this proposal.
Forest & Bird, along with DOC and other NGOs have started the expensive and time-consuming task of appealing this decision. The hearing is not until early 2012, but with sufficient public pressure there is a chance we can stop it before it goes to the courtroom! Help us by becoming an activist.

 For more information on our appeal see here.

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