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More April/May events

Posted 15 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

In this newsletter:

  • Time and Tide film screening
  • Forest and Bird plant sale
  • Craig Potton talk
  • Environment Centre AGM
  • SBN Waste Workshop

Wednesday  29th of April; 
5.30pm  Film Screening
Tuvalu is a Pacific nation of low lying coral atolls and islands whose existence is threatened by climate change and rising sea levels. You are invited to a free film screening **Time and Tide** (http://www.wavecrestfilms.com/#/timetide/) at Waikato University on  for a 6.00pm film start: AG 11, A Block, Gate 8, Waikato University, Hillcrest Road, Hamilton.

Brought to you by Dev-Zone - an independent not-for-profit Aotearoa New Zealand based resource centre on international development and global issues. We work to inform and educate New Zealanders about international development and global issues. We run a library and a website, provide email updates, publish our magazine /Just Change/, engage in information related projects and work with like-minded organisations to raise awareness about issues.
Hope to see you there!

Saturday 2nd May
Starting at 8am

Forest and Bird Native Plant sale at Pak'n'Save, Mill Street.
Great prices - be in early!
Fundraiser for building new building at Mt Ruapehu following the fire last year.
Come and fill up a supermarket trolley

Wednesday May 7th
Craig Potton Presentation
Famous photographer and publisher
Hamilton Gardens Exhibition Hall
$5 door charge to help with expenses
Also book raffle, books for sale and photography display from the recent Forest and Bird photography competition
Enquiries phone Jon Wenham 07 855 8852

Monday May 11th
Environment Centre Trust AGM
At Environment Centre Hamilton 25 Ward St
Refreshments available
All welcome
For more information please contact Katherine at the Centre 839 4452

Thursday 14 May
Sustainable Business Network - Get Sustainable Challenge

YWCA Cnr Clearance & Pembroke street > Catch the number 6 Bus to the door!
Time:   8.45am – 12pm
All about the workshop... The Waste Workshop is designed to be an interactive opportunity for you to take a look at your waste management policies in line with NZ's commitment to reduction of waste to landfill.
Waste = Food is a term often used by sustainability gurus, but to most NZ businesses waste simply = $. This workshop will help to highlight how an integrated waste management policy can save money as well as prepare for new regulations and compliance.  
Graham Sawyer, Senior Advisor of Sustainable Business Group from Ministry for the Environment sponsors of this workshop will present the following focus:  The Waste Minimisation Act - impacts to business and benefits to NZ, range of tools and Product stewardship, waste levy and TA roles. Graeme works in the Waste Minimisation team,  at the Ministry for the Environment.  For the last 7 months his primary responsibility has been representing central Government on the Packaging Accord, and he is working with the retail and packaging industries to develop and accredit a voluntary Product Stewardship scheme to replace the Packaging Accord.
Rachel Goddard, Director of ECOES Environmental consultancy (the Guru of Rubbish) will provide practical-hands on waste audit. Plus an informative understanding of the environmental impacts of site and landfills, the different decomposition rates of products in landfills. Discuss plastic packaging- how it is made and why only some is recycled. And offer some great suggestions on Reduction options. The biology of worms and their connection to waste reduction, setting up a worm farm and Bokashi systems.  Rachael has worked for nine years in waste education and research, and has published scientific papers and articles on waste, plastic packaging, landfills and water quality.
Cost:    $35 SBN Members & $65 Non-Members Morning Tea is included
RSVP:  Waikato@sustainable.org.nz by 12 May 2009
NB: all cancellations received after the RSVP date will be invoiced at full cost.


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