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More events - April 15

Posted 16 years, 11 months ago    0 comments


Amendment and more events that I have missed previously – wow there is so much on! Note also Community Media grant

Amendment: Waikato Botanical Soc trip
– meeting place is now 10am at corner of Brooklee Road and Waitomo Caves Road (main road to Waitomo off SH3) in the parking bay on the left hand side of the road.

Additional events coming up –

Reminder tonightForest and Bird AGM and talk on Climate Change from Alan Emmerson
7.30pm Chartwell Room, Hamilton Gardens

Saturday 19th April Waikato Tree Crops Assn field trip to two productive Hamilton properties. If you are interested in joining Tree Crops or going on the fieldtrip please email jj.hammonds2 #at# xtra.co.nz or phone Jim Hammonds 07 871 9636

Gully Restoration events - This wonderful range of activities to assist you in understanding the challenges of clearing and restoring a gully is being sponsored by Hamilton City Council and Centre for Biodiversity Ecological Restoration, University of Waikato.

Saturday 19th April Local gully trips – all involve a certain amount of walking, sometimes on rough terrain.
To Kirikiriroa and private gullies,
Hammond Park and private gullies,
Ranfurly Park and private gullies (3 separate trips) Start at  1.30 but check times on registration.
Registration essential – Centre for Continuing Education, 858 5209

Sunday 20th April – Gully trips
Chelmsford Park and private gullies Mangakotukutuku private gully, tracks and erosion control
Registration essential – Centre for Continuing Education, 858 5209

 Saturday 26th April – Gully trips
Mangaiti walkway and private gullies
Sandford Park and private gully on Mangakotukutuku
Registration essential – Centre for Continuing Education, 858 5209

Sunday 27th April – Gully trips
Mangakotukutuku private gullies
Registration essential – Centre for Continuing Education, 858 5209

Saturday 3rd May –
Bus Field Trip1.30pm Matangi restoration – Peter Morris’s gully and ecosourced nursery

Sunday 4th May - Gully trips
St James private gully
Hukanui gully and step building workshop

Saturday 10th May    3 Gully trips -
Donny Park, Waitawhiriwhiri private gully, and Mangaonua private gullies and park.
Registration essential – Centre for Continuing Education, 858 5209

Saturday 24 May - Part of the Gully restoration programme
Boat trips
on the river from Hamilton Gardens, first trip 8.30am, $20
Trips take about 1.5 hours.
Tours of the Hamilton City Council nursery Hourly from 9am to 3pm

Sunday 25th May - Gully field trips
Tamahere Gully
Kirikiriroa private gully birds and controlling rats.

Other notices:

A Rocha Aotearoa
New Zealand  - 1st National conference.  Eden to Aotearoa
Queens birthday weekend 30 May – 2 June in Raglan

 5th June – World Environment Day – NZ is the world host this year so make it a good one!
The Environment Centre is going to have an open day, and displays in the centre, and incentives for people to walk up the stairs. Would be good if groups can put something together about their activities – preferably laminated and with Velcro hooks on the back, or on your own stands. Please let Katherine know if you are interested in doing something.
Also please let me know if your group is going to do an activity for WED – so start thinking about it now – could be things like lunchtime walks, bikerides, movie showing, etc

If your not-for-profit organisation could benefit from $15,000 worth of free advertising we would love to hear from you. The Community Media Grant is an initiative from Hamilton City Council's City News magazine, Community Radio and Bettle Advertising. It is open to not-for-profit organisations, large and small, working in Hamilton.
Applications open 1 May and close
30 May 2008.
For more information phone Christine Watson  8386509.

Trash to Fashion ’08 to be held on Saturday 26 July.
Calling for entries – get your entry form now from The Body Shop, Centreplace Information desk, The Radio Network, and Waikato Times reception or go to www.hamilton.co.nz/trashtofashion



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