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More events this weekend

Posted 12 years ago    0 comments

Junats Correction

Friday evening
Apologies to Junats - last week was GoPro, this week is
The World of Insects  -
Moira Cursey, DOC and Waikato Biodiversity Forum.     We’ll find and identify some insects and design a pit-fall trap.

We meet at Wintec classroom (Gate 2, Hamilton Gardens at 7pm).
Dave Mathews phone (07) 846 4013
Look on the website for the full term's events  www.junats.org.nz

Two Waikato Botannical Society trips

Saturday 9th MarchDactylanthus trip - Pureora

A trip to visit a population of the rare root parasite Dactylanthus taylorii in Pureora Forest Park. We are timing this trip to be able to collect pollen from flowering Dactylanthus in Pureora, the pollen will then be transferred to female flowers in the threatened plant garden back in Hamilton. This will hopefully increase the chances of seed set for the threatened plant garden Dactylanthus, which last year produced only female flowers.

Please note the date for this trip is dependent on flowering time and may be subject to change, the trip will be confirmed by email notice closer to the time.

Please contact Liz or Thomas below for queries or to register your interest.
Leaders: Liz Overdyck eg3@waikato.ac.nz ph. 07 825 9743 or 021 155 3622 and Thomas Emmitt temmitt@doc.govt.nz ph. 07 878 1055 (work) or 021 152 3030.

Meet: Pureora village 10.30am (appx. 2 hour drive from Hamilton), carpooling and/or accomodation in DoC cabins at Pureora village for Friday night can be arranged.
Grade: Easy

Sunday 10th MarchGalaxy Rd North Wetland (Combined Waikato and Rotorua Botanical Societies)

A walk through this extensive wetland/mire - beech forest complex on the mamaku plateau. This wetland and forest complex has an interesting history having being used for forest research by FRI in past and more recently acquired by the nature heritage fund and now managed by DOC. We will see Gahnia rigida near its northern limits, a range of tomos and wetland vegetation typical of mires in this northern part of the mamaku plateau.

Leader : Paul Cashmore 07 348 4421 (hm), 07 349 7432 (wk) pcashmore@doc.govt.nz

Meet : The carpark Rotorua 8:30am or end of SH 5-Galaxy Rd junction 9am 

Grade : Medium
Bring: Gumboots


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