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National Moth Week

Posted 10 years, 8 months ago    0 comments

National Moth Week

19th - 27th July 2014

Pukemokemoke, Hammond Park, Mangaiti Gully, Hamilton Lake Domain.

On Saturday 19th  and Saturday 26th at 5pm, the Waikato Natural History Society will conduct a National Moth Week activity at Pukemokemoke.  During the week the group will organise moth watching at other reserves in and around Hamilton. If you can't make it to an event, you can observe moths from outside your home and submit them to Moth Week in the Waikato page on NatureWatch NZ.

Please contact waikatonaturalhistory@gmail.com, the Waikato Natural History Society on Facebook or contact Angela Simpson on 021 239 2554 for more information.


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