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Natural Burial - Bylaw Change

Posted 12 years, 11 months ago    1 comment

Hamilton City Council is proposing to change the Cemeteries bylaw and is asking for comment.

There will be a meeting on this bylaw tomorrow, this Tuesday 27 March at 10.30am in the Council Reception Lounge.

The main change proposed is to provide for natural burial in addition to the current options of cremation and interment in the lawn cemetery.

 With natural burial there is no embalming, caskets etc. must be biodegradable and there are no permanent memorials. Subsequently the natural burial area will be fully planted and returned to vegetation, thereby reducing ongoing maintenance costs.

 If you wish to submit on the natural burial proposal in Clause 22 of the bylaw you may do so online at www.hamilton.co.nz/consultation or email submissions@hcc.govt.nz by 27 April 2012.



12 years, 11 months ago
What a brilliant idea.No more huge concrete slabs,Varnish Nylon,embaling chemicals,poisoning our worms and beautiful earth. I also love the idea of planting a tree and maybe a small plaque so family members at least know what tree I'm burried under
:-) Put me down for one definatly. Hope it gets passed.

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