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Posted 9 years, 1 month ago    0 comments



If you are interested in Greening Your Lifestyle but would like to learn through conversation, hands on examples, encouragement and even meet some experts.... then we have the Future Living Conversations. Find out about vegetable gardening, reducing waste, energy efficiency, ethical food choices and much more.

You can come to all the 8 topics or pick and choose...how cool is that.

Running for 4 Thursdays starting 25 February at Western Community Centre.

If this interests you then contact Tania on tania@envirocentre.org.nz and we will keep you posted.


We have just received another pallet of brown paper in rolls so please log in to NO THROW and let us know if you would like a roll or two. 




Coming up in Hamilton on 7 March 2016 is the opportunity to learn more about how clients can improve the warmth, dryness and efficiency of their homes.

The Certificate in Home Energy Awareness is a one day, level one course from the Home Performance Advisor programme. The course takes trainees through the conditions for a healthy home, controlling heat loss, heating, moisture control and ventilation, and keeping on top of other energy costs. It’s ideal for anyone working in the health and/or housing sector with input into improving clients’ health and homes.

For more information: www.homeperformanceadvisor.org.nz

Jo Wills Home Performance Advisor programme

021 2777 042021 2777 042


Ooooby is proud to be sponsoring the Six Figure Farming NZ Tourbringing Jean-Martin Fortier and Curtis Stone for three weeks of workshops,and an extra one just added in South Auckland. Read more

Learn the inner workings of small-plot growing and discover how urban micro-farming can be a profitable enterprise while regenerating the land and your local food system..

Jean-Martin Fortier and Curtis Stone will share the design and workings of their individual enterprises – both the production and the business– with insights and knowledge that has been hard won,but ready for you to take and implement.

Details of what you can expect at these workshops,can be found at www.sixfigurefarmingnztour.com.


2WALKandCYCLE 2016 Conference: Call for Papers reminder

We are delighted to introduce Gil Penalosa as our keynote speaker. Gil is the founder and chair of the board of the internationally recognized non-profit organization 8 80 Cities, based in Canada. He is passionate about cities for all people and advises decision makers and communities on how to create vibrant cities and healthy communities for everyone regardless of age, gender and social, economic, or ethnic background. His focus is on the design and use of parks and streets as great public places, as well as sustainable mobility: walking, riding bicycles, using public transit, and the new use of cars.

Express your Interest here



Talofa Lava, Kia ora colleagues, friends and whanau,

As part of Hamilton City Council’s commitment to our community, the Parks and Open Spaces team is currently working on a project which will see a new playground created at Dominion Park.

It’s an exciting project for the community and the neighbourhood, and we’re keen for the community to develop a strong sense of ownership/kaitiaki toward what will be a major “Destination Playground” investment in the area.

The project is currently in a development stage, with two concept designs created. The staff managing the project are keen to hear the community’s views on the two designs. Your comments will inform the final decision on which concept is developed into our new playground.

The Council has an online presence for this project, and there’s still an opportunity to provide feedback closing on Tuesday 02 February 2016

We’re encouraging members of our community to visit www.hamilton.govt.nz/dominionpark to check out the playground project concepts, and provide commentary through the click-through survey found on that page.





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