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Posted 8 years, 11 months ago    0 comments

Enviroexpo April 8-10 2016

Claudelands Event Centre 10am to 5pm Friday to Sunday

Big Call out to any of our supporters who may be able to help in the Permaculture, Timebank , Kaivolution, E Waste and the Environment Centre Store.

We need your help!  We are after all sorts of help from Gophers to Survey Takers, talkers and helpers. We have two to four hour slots  please email admin@envirocentre.org.nz

Get Ready for our Star Event of the


Win A Worm Farm and Win a Refurbed Laptop at the Enviroexpo.

Please spread the word ! We have Bicyclorama, Quikes, Evolocity, Sew Love, Grandview Community Garden, Make,Tui 2000, Wild Care Trust, NZ Tree Project  to name a few!





National Permaculture Hui  April 2016

This year, the hui will run from April 23-25 and be located at a quiet and private retreat situated on the banks of the mighty Waikato River at Lake Karapiro. To recognise the importance of the river to our region and the interconnectedness to our lives here, the theme will be Wai Whenua: Water & Land.



The Nursery at Tamahere has been under pressure for some time to close. We are now at the point of closure. So please note the following:-

1. There will be no potting session on 15th April.

2. If anyone can save us moving plants by buying them, please contact Jan Simmons on 8568995 or email her at


3. If anyone can help with the huge job of relocating the Tamahere Nursery please contact

Jan Simmons on 8568995 or email her above

Finally, we do have a temporary location to move to and a permanent location is under discussion with Waikato District Council.

Thanks for all your help and we hope to be potting again in May so please don't put away your gloves and thermos!!

Best wishes,



Waikato Botanical Society AGM 18th May

The Waikato Botanical Society AGM will be held at the University of Waikato on the 18th May at around 6:00 PM. There will be drinks and nibbles before hand from 5:30.

Chris Lusk will be our speaker for the evening after the AGM. Chris will talk about the flora of Chile from his recent trip there.

All positions for newsletter editor, committee, treasurer, secretary and president are open for nominations.

Work on the committee is not an arduous task - we have about 3 committee meetings a year.

Please send your nominations to our secretary Kris Kramer-Walter email : kkramerwalter@gmail.com


Bricks Free To Good Home

Please email Sharon@smartlivingspaces.nz


Plenty Permaculture Courses

Interested in Soil Foodweb, Permaculture Design &

Holistic Decision Making?

Soil Foodweb: 30 April. This one day workshop is an introduction to using a microscope for assessing the micro-organisms of your compost or liquid extracts or compost teas.

Permaculture Design: Starts 28 May. Have a property you want to improve but don't know what to do first? Lonely studying on-line? Become part of the Bay of Plenty permaculture community with this 12 month introductory program. Two spots remaining.

Holistic Management: 25 June. This is a game-changing leadership and management tool, empowering decision making that is socially, environmentally, and economically sound in the short, medium and long term. Enrollment limited to 20.

Please email contact@plentypermaculture.co.nz for further information





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