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Posted 8 years, 9 months ago    0 comments

Permaculture Design Workshop

Built Environments Module 5

Tutor Ian Mayes ( A Guaranteed Information Loaded Workshop to Make You Stop and Think!)

This module will give you an interesting perspective on building performance and how our houses affect our health. You will go on an insightful journey and learn how to design built environments to optimise thermal performance, energy, water and waste while integrating with the landscape around them. You will come away with the skills to be able to calculate things like energy use in the home and understand Passive Solar Design.

You won’t look at building design the same way again when you are guided through the pro’s and con’s of the options that are available.
When: Saturday, 11 June; 9am–5pm.
Where: Raglan.
Fee: $135 (Discount available for WEC members).
Note: This session can be attended as a workshop or be credited towards a Permaculture Design Certificate (Zone 0, Module 5).
To find out more and to register call us on 07839 4452.


If you believe that through shared action and advocacy we can make this a more beautiful, sustainable, and greener Waikato, I invite you to join me on Sunday 19 June from 11AM until 3PM at the Waikato Environment Centre.

I will be facilitating an environmental hui and strategy meeting to bring together the different threads of the Waikato environmental and climate action sector.

Matthew Lillis


Interested Follow this link

PLease NOTE  this is event is not organised by the Waikato Environment Centre. You must  follow the link to register your interest


FELLOW POTTERS date 10 June2016

We will be potting at our temporary location at West Rd, Ohaupo for the next few sessions. West Road is opposite Ohaupo Primary School off State Highway 3. Travel down West Road to the gate just past number 172 (which is opposite Norrish Road). 172 is Annette’s place and we will be parking in their yard area and using the nursery facilities at their neighbour’s place. If travelling from Cambridge, Kaipaki Road is the best option and then into Norrish Road.

Starting time is 9.00 am and as usual, bring a thermos and snack for your morning tea. There are plenty of seedlings ready to be potted so it will be great to see as many of you as possible.

We do look forward to your presence as there are plenty to do!!

Thanks Catherine blchsmiths@gmail.com



Our First Friends of Waiwhakareke planting morning will be held on

Saturday 11 June 2016

9am - midday

Meet in the car park on Brymer Road opposite the zoo.

Please respond if you are intending to come along. It is really important to have an indication of numbers so that we know how many plants to have on site. We do need plenty of people so that the task is lightened.

Bring a spade and gloves and wear study foot wear and warm clothes and wet weather gear if rain is forecast. Pop your gumboots in the car just in case some of us will be in wetter areas. We can grab them if needed. And bring morning tea.

We’ll be asking you to sign in as you arrive as an H&S requirement. The sign in will require your contact details and your next of kin contact details.

Look forward to seeing you on Saturday morning. Much appreciated

Cheers Moira Convenor of Friends of Waiwhakareke m.cursey@xtra.co.nz



SAM - Initiative of Waimarie: Hamilton East Community House, in getting kids into sport, music and other cultural activities who would not normally have the opportunity.

Goal: To enable primary aged children who would not normally be able to participate in organized cultural activities, due to financial constraints, the opportunity to do so, by providing equipment and/or payment of fees.

We have acquired funding from the Lions club of East Hamilton Charitable Trust to be used to subsidise or pay fully sports fees, music tuition fees, drama or dance class fees or other suitable cultural activity.

Waimarie do have criteria that a family needs to meet to access these funds.

  • A family must have a Community Services Card. We would need one form of photo identification.
  • An application form needs to be filled out
  • The children must be of School age (5 to 12years old).
  • There has to be a commitment from the family to support the children in the sport, music or cultural activity.
  • The family must live in South East Hamilton.  


http://waimarieham.wainet.org/fund  to download the application form.

If you can help us to use this funding on suitable and deserving children please contact me.

Anne               admin@waimarie.org





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