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Posted 9 years, 10 months ago    0 comments


For those of  you who don't know, Kaivolution is a Waikato Environment Centre initiative where we recover food and redistribute to charites.

We started  late October 2014 and have so far redistributed over 18,ooo kilo or.... two Killer Whales!

Radio NZ visited during the week and spent a day with Kaivolution


 I just wanted to let you know that there’s been a great response to your story on our Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/RadioNewZealand

If you scroll down, it’s currently the third or fourth story down. I just thought you’d like to know!



Organised by the South Waikato Lifelong Learning Group.

The 2013 and 2014 expo's were a great success and students and the general public always express how grateful they are that exhibitors make the effort to come here. They have also reported back the extraordinary difference the expo made to their lives. This is important to us here in South Waikato, especially with the challenges some of our people face.

Exhibitor Information:

DATE: 15 June 2015 - One day only

TIME: Set up at 8am.

Open 9.00am - Close 3pm

Break down by 5pm

VENUE: South Waikato Sports & Event Centre, Tokoroa, South Waikato - in the BIG ARENA


* Tokoroa and Forest View High Schools have committed to sending ALL STUDENTS

* Putaruru College will send a selection

* All local and surrounding schools with students 11 years old and over, are also invited.

* The general public is invited - to inspire and excite them on all things to do and careers available

COST FOR YOUR STAND: FREE! We are all grateful that you make the effort to come

Thank you! We look forward to hearing from you. Email is best, as we are volunteers and reply to you in our spare time. Reply to start.expo@yahoo.co.nz.

Tracey DeaneFor South Waikato Lifelong Learning Group



FOP Introduction to Grafting.pdf

In an informal setting in Wendy's orchard, Clyde and Di will share their knowledge and step us through some of the basics to be better prepared for a more formal class in grafting(July/August).

We will cover:

o What materials and equipment you will need

o How to take scion wood (the branch that's grafted on)

o What you need to consider when selecting root stock


Wendy's Orchard, 130 Holmwood Drive, Ngahinapouri

Saturday 25th April, 3-5pm

Please bring a notepad & pen, drinks and food to share for afternoon tea.

RSVP by Apr 21 to Wendy - email ambury7@gmail.com or txt 022 526 1972022 526 1972



In addition to making online submissions on the HCC ten year plan, you might also consider attending the 'engagement sessions' which have now replaced the formal hearings. You MUST register to attend one of these, and the details are available at the following site:



There are three available sessions, of 2 hours each, and I suspect that only part of each is available for presentation of public comments. The dates and times, which are also provided on the site above, are:

21 April, 6.30-8.30pm, Chapel Hill Church

29 April, 6.30-8.30pm, Western Community Centre

6 May, 11.30am-1.30pm, Purdie Hall at The Link, St Andrews Presbyterian Church, Te Aroha St



Te Kauri-Waikuku Trust does restoration work in the pristine remnant podocarp forest of Te Kauri Park near kawhia.

Last year DOC carried out a successful baiting programme in this area and data shows that the rat population greatly decreased as a result.

Unfortunately one year on, the rats are coming back!

You may like to help us eradicate these pests by sponsoring a Bait Station for $25 per year.

Please find attached information about our Rat or Tui? sponsorship scheme

Rat or Tui renewal-1.pdf


Please see below volunteer opportunities for seabird monitoring and trap deployment!

It’s an amazing sight to behold - Grey-faced petrel - also known as Oi, flying through a cold wintery storm at dusk and nesting on the Karioi coastline. That’s the dream for local volunteers and partner organisations involved in the Karioi – Maunga ki te Moana project in Raglan. That Karioi will once more be inundated with native seabirds – as well as forest birds. However – birds, and especially Oi, will only breed successfully if protected from predators like stoats, feral cats, dogs, rats and possums that threaten the eggs, young chicks and adults on the nest.

Now the dream to restore seabirds to Karioi came one step closer to reality recently with the news that the project was to receive significant funds from NZ Lottery Board. This fund as well as input from some of NZ’s top conservation experts has significantly boosted the projects capacity. The next three years are going to be immensely exciting with the current trapping network expanding from its current coverage of 130 hectares to over 1800 hectares.

The project partners will cut up to 40 km of new tracks this year and up to 500 stoat and ferret traps will be deployed across the mountain. We'll also continue work with local landowners to implement predator control on private land around the mountain too – and this is already ongoing with supportive landowners involved from Ngaruanui Beach to Te Toto Gorge.

The project has come a long way since its initiative in 2009 – when trapping of rats, possums and stoats started at Upper Wainui Reserve with a few enthusiastic volunteers – and there are plans underway for more volunteer opportunities to help with seabird monitoring and to deploy traps over the mountain starting in April/May.


For more information or to register your interest to volunteer either regularly or occasionally please email wordsbybexie@gmail.com

Seabird monitoring starts this week, and we are seeking more volunteers to help ASAP!

Also, feel free to join our Facebook group Karioi Maunga Volunteers





For cost saving in the home and goal setting have a look at the attached

Parenting Fuel Up Workshops May 2015-1.pdf







Rat or Tui renewal-1.pdf

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