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News18 July

Posted 16 years, 8 months ago    0 comments

Winter Lecture Series - details in last newsletter, time for each lecture is 7 - 9pm, at Performing Arts Centre.

Saturday 19 July Weeding at Jubilee Bush
tomorrow morning 9.30am, meet Boundary Road entrance. Enquiries to Katherine 021 267 2773.

Thursday 24 July 2008 NZAEE AGM

NZ Association for Environmental Education Waikato Branch is holding its Annual General Meeting in the Environment Centre, 25 Ward St, Hamilton. Anyone interested in EE is welcome to attend.  5.30pm - 6.00pm nibbles
6.00 Meeting.

Trash to Fashion
There is just one week to go until Trash to Fashion takes to the stage in an extravaganza of local talent. Not only is T2F '08 a competition open to anyone within the Waikato region, the Awards show is also a celebration of talent throughout our region by showcasing local musicians and dancers alongside the models for the first time ever. It also delivers important environmental messages to reduce our waste.
We have once again received a healthy number of entries with the quality of this years garments raising the bar once again.
In all, Trash to Fashion '08 is a show not to be missed. If you havn't got your ticket yet you can do so by visiting www.ticketdirect.co.nz.

Colour, beauty, design, creativity! See you there!

Cycle Action Petition
There are Government strategies and programmes to promote cycling and cycle safety, but we haven't seen many changes on the street yet.

The Cycling Advocates' Network (CAN) is running a campaign to get its 9-Point Plan for Cycle Safety adopted by the Government.

Sign the e-petition at http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/NZCycleSafety/

Visit http://www.can.org.nz for more information about the campaign.

Contact: CAN, 04-972 2552, campaigns@can.org.nz



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