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Newsletter 10 March

Posted 17 years ago    0 comments

Events which have been in previous newsletters are now available on our website in Events or old newsletters can be looked at on http://envirocentre.wordjot.com

Please feel free to send feedback on the newsletter system.

You may have noticed, probably not, that emails are not generally included in our newsletters now that we are using an online system, so that people are not inundated with spam - email addresses will be put into words or just a website mentioned instead.

Hamilton Press page for community groups

Please put pen to paper and send Katherine at the Environment Centre a contribution for our page in the Hamilton Press coming up in early April. This is great publicity for your group so even your group's aims, contact details and meeting times and a little about what you do is better than missing out. A photo or two of hardworking volunteers is also good. Remember to include appreciation of your main funding agencies where applicable as well.

Don't forget that Envirofund closes on the 31 March.

Community education at Wintec:

COCE200       Writing for Community Groups
Participants of this module will develop skills to enhance their organisational writing procedures such as meeting minutes, agendas, reports, developing policies, writing proposals and producing newsletters.       
4 x Tuesday Evenings     6-9pm.  April 1st, 8th, 15th & 22nd         
Wintec city Campus D Block Rooms D2.06 & D2.09

COCE202       Effective Governance for Community Organisations
Participants of this module will be able to identify and demonstrate knowledge of Governance structures, roles & responsibilities, legal requirements and strategic planning for community groups/organisations.  They will also demonstrate knowledge of effective leadership, presentations and decision making skills.      
4 x Thursday Evenings     6-9pm. March 27th, April 3rd, 10th & 17th.
Wintec city Campus D Block Room D2.09

COCE203       Sponsorship & Promotion for Community Organisations           
Participants of this module will be able to identify sources of potential sponsors and promotion opportunities, develop planning strategies, the ‘approach’, be able to negotiate terms/conditions and measure the effectiveness of a sponsorship or promotion opportunity.            
This module will be offered in Term 2 - May/June         

COCE204       Working with the Media for Community Organisations 
Participants of this module will be able to identify and demonstrate knowledge on how best to tap into the media, develop a communication plan, write a press release and identify key areas where they can gain value from contact with the media for their Community Organisation.  This module will be offered in Term 2 - May/June          tba

Numbers are limited so please register your intent to attend before the module start date by phoning 7773 or email Julie dot dennis at wintec dot co dot nz

Tuesday 18th March   Green Reels  - Zapatista

Come along, at 7:00pm, to the Trade Union Centre, 34 Harwood St, Hamilton.
All movies will be followed with an open floor discussion.
Running time: 55 min

Zapatista is the definitive look at the uprising in Chiapas. It it the story of a Mayan peasant rebellion. It is a story of a global movement that has fought 175,000 federal troops to a standstill and transformed Mexican and international political culture forever.


17th and 24th April Gully Restoration Training Days

Organised by Hamilton City Council, CBER and Centre for Continuing Education (University of Waikato)

Exciting opportunity for nursery staff, landscape designers, landscaping contractors, arborists and trades people working in and around Hamilton's gullies.

17th Introductory lecture 7 - 9pm - Gully ecosystems and restoration

24th Training Day - especially for landscape designers, landscaping, construction and spraying contractors and nursery staff. Cost $150, includes bus transport, refreshments, handouts and lunch. or $100 for those not attending the last lecture.

To register or for more information contact Centre for Continuing Education 858 5209

World Environment Day 5th June

Get funding now if your group would like to run an event around WED



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