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Newsletter 1st April

Posted 16 years, 11 months ago    0 comments


There are a lot of events coming up – and don’t forget about the HCC Proposed and EW Draft Annual Plans that we should be putting submissions into – HCC by 22nd April and EW by 1 May
(10th April HCC Annual Plan consultation day at Celebrating Age 11 - 12.30)

Wednesday 2nd April
Flora in a Frozen Land with
Catherine Beard
Waikato Botanical Society Evening talk and AGM

Some of the coldest, windiest, driest and highest habitats on earth are found in Antarctica; not the type of environment where you would expect to find many plants. However, the Antarctic flora includes some 250 lichens, 100 mosses, 25-30 liverworts, around 700 terrestrial and aquatic algal species, an unknown number of (mostly microscopic) fungi, and (in the maritime Antarctic), 2 flowering plants. This presentation will take you on a photographic tour of the plant life, the delights (and challenges) of field work in some very remote locations, and will highlight some of the vegetation research that Catherine was involved in since 1996 with the University of Waikato in continental Antarctica.
Time: 7pm for brief AGM followed by talk.
University of Waikato, Room S 1.01, S Block, Gate 8 Hillcrest Rd.
Liz Grove ph 846 0965 (hm) eg3@waikato.ac.nz

 Wednesday, 9 April 2008 - Landcare Networking Field day 2008
Environment Waikato is planning to organise a "Landcare Networking Field Day", in conjunction with the Mangawara Landcare Group, at the Hoe O Tainui Hall Community Centre and near the Mangawara River on Wednesday, 9 April 2008 starting at 9.30 am
The primary objective of this field day is to enable representatives from each landcare group and other community groups to get together and discuss current issues affecting their areas and to develop an understanding of each group's programmes and strategies.
Please give this invitation wide circulation and encourage as many community groups as possible to attend this field day.
Please RSVP by
4 April 2008 to  Lyn Clement (lyn.clement@ew.govt.nz).

 Sunday April 13 Forest and Bird Trip  Nikau Caves, Waikaretu
Come and enjoy a magical caving experience at Waikaretu in the Nikau Cave. Guided walk takes over 1.5 hours. You will see stuinning limestone formations
Contact Maureen 07 889 3968 for more details and booking.
Cost $25.

Tuesday, 15 April 2008 - Climate Change Talk – Forest & Bird Society
AGM and Talk
Alan Emmerson is a F&B member who saw Inconvenient Truth and was deeply moved by it.
He therefore never hesitated when he got the chance to go to
Melbourne, meet Al Gore and take part in training on how to present a new version of the slide show that is the basis of the film.
Over the last two years Al Gore has trained 250 Australians as "climate presenters" but only two New Zealanders!
The talk will cover what global warming is, what the signs of change due to global warming are, how these changes will affect the world and what we can do about it.
Where: Exhibition Hall,
Hamilton Gardens off Cobham Drive Hamilton East, Hamilton
Contact Details:  Jane Mcleod  Phone: 07 856 2505
Cost and booking details: If you wish to share a light meal ($10) with us beforehand at 6.30 please book with Colleen Brimblecombe at least 5 days prior.

 Tuesday, 15 April 2008 - Sustainable Urban Design programme
How to Buy a Better Home?

Find out how to choose a property that can be easily brought up to modern standards of comfort and efficiency, and what features to look for in a house that will make it cheap to run.
Where: Centre for Continuing Education,
University of Waikato, Building RS6, Ruakura Satellite Campus, 21 Ruakura Road, Hamilton
When: Each workshop will start at
Fee: There is a small fee of $5 per workshop
To register or for more information on the workshops please contact the
University of Waikato Centre for Continuing Education on 858 5209.

17th and 24th April Gully Restoration Training Days – see March 10 newsletter or our events page on our website for more details.

Saturday 19th April
Waikato Botanical Society
Hangitiki Wetland, Waitomo

Hangatiki Scenic Reserve has a mixture of forest types including regenerating scrub, tawa and rewarewa dominated forest. The wetland lies in the centre of the reserve and is dominated by manuka and raupo with kahikatea bordering and also contains Gratiola concinna and G. sexdentata. The forest has a large healthy population of king fern and Dactylanthus has been recorded here in the past.
This trip will provide a good opportunity to compile a species list and locate several threatened plants (as well as the odd weed such as pampas and willow).

Meet: Waitomo Tavern Car park at 10 a.m.
Thomas 07 878 1055 (wk) or 07 878 3437 (hm)

Monday 21st April – Transition Town Hamilton
5.30pm Meeting at the Environment Centre, 25 Ward St  for anyone interested in being involved in a Transition Towns group – concerned about Peak Oil, rising energy costs? Help start planning ways to power down, and promote resilience in our community. More information contact Katherine 07 839 4452 at the Environment Centre.

Monday, 21 April 2008 - Hamilton Organic Gardeners - propogation
Venue: Fairfield Community House, 60a Sare Cres.
Gold Coin donation

Fruit propogation, how difficult is it to do?
Maxine Fraser will let us into the secrets of propogating fruit from seeds, cuttings and by grafting.

Tuesday 22nd April

Engage your Community Conference 2008: Using blogs, internet, youtube and other cool tools to Achieve your group’s goals.
Waikato Management School, University of Waikato
Cost: $100 registration, $50 for extra person.
More info – www.webguide.net.nz/engage-your-community or contact Ted Zorn 07 838 4776

Wednesday 23rd April
Movie – “A Crude Awakening”

Victoria Theatre, Forest and Bird fund raiser, $10 presold, $15 doorsales.
7pm for cake, coffee and wine (Bring extra cash) Screening starts 7.30pm.

 Saturday, 26 April 2008 - Mangakotukutuku Stream Care Group
2:30-4:00 pm - Releasing of last year's plantings - Sandford Park weeding:
Meet at
Waterford Rd entrance to Sandford Park. More details on www.streamcare.org.nz

 Tuesday, 29 April 2008 - Sustainable Urban Design 2
Green Home Introduction

Whether you are building or renovating, this workshop will give you an introduction to the general concepts of 'green house building' looking at environmental impacts, the goals that you want to achieve and the economics of energy efficiency.
Where: Centre for Continuing Education,
University of Waikato, Building RS6, Ruakura Satellite Campus,
21 Ruakura Road, Hamilton
When: Each workshop will start at
Fee: There is a small fee of $5 per workshop
To register or for more information on the workshops please contact the
University of Waikato Centre for Continuing Education on 858 5209.

 Saturday May 3 Forest and Bird Plant sale
Pac’n’save Mill Street, starts at 8am
Contact Colleen Brimblecombe 07 855 636 or Jane McLeod 07 856 2505

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