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Newsletter 26 February

Posted 17 years ago    0 comments


Wednesday 27th February - tomorrow
Go by Bike Breakfast
in Garden Place, 7.30am.Sport Waikato are now coordinating this great event so jump on your bike tomorrow, helmet on your head and cruise into Civic Plaza for a fun early morning before work.
Biodiegradable Potato plates provided by ….drum roll….the Environment Centre, to then be fed to the worms.


Sunday 2 March
Go With the Flow -
10:00am to 3:30pm  ADMISSION IS FREE

“Go with the Flow” is the Museum day to celebrate Children’s Day and the exciting interactive exhibition: “The Mighty River Waikato: from Hinaki to Hydropower”. Visit the exhibition for FREE and enjoy our fun activities for the whole family:  take part in hands-on experiments with the Mad Scientist, learn about the river and creatures that live in it from our bio-river expert Hydro Girl, fish for chocolate fish, make a magic fish, add to our chalk pavement river mural and make some cool art.  There will be some great prizes and giveaways, a sausage sizzle and much more!
For the full programme check out http://www.waikatomuseum.co.nz/page/pageid/2145832910/Events#Flow

 Wednesday 5th March

Waikato Botanical Society - Wetland Restoration of Sporodanthus (native cane rush)
with Bev Clarkson and Monica Peters - Evening talk, planting and barbeque
In recent years, considerable work has been carried out by Landcare Research into restoring peat bogs co-dominated by Sporadanthus ferrugineus (a very local endemic) and Empodisma minus. Find out about this important research and new trials begun in 2006 to re-create areas of Sporadanthus ferrugineus and Empodisma minus in former farmland so that the peat building process can be reinstated. The results from research to date is very promising and show that this plant has potential to be used for further restoration projects within its former range in Waikato.
Afterwards we will go down to the threatened plant garden in the biology glasshouses compound to plant some Sporadanthus ferrugineus and all are welcome to enjoy a FREE barbeque!
6pm talk, 7-8pm planting and BBQ
Venue: University of Waikato, Room S 1.01, S Block, Gate 8 Hillcrest Rd. Followed by planting and BBQ at glasshouses compound.
Contact: Liz Grove ph 846 0965 

Sunday 9th  March
Riverside Family Walk and Cycle

10am at Memorial Park.
Family Riverside Walk & Bike Ride on Sunday 9th March from 9.30am at Memorial Park.
Join other families for a pleasant walk or cycle on the beautiful
Waikato River pathway, before returning for a picnic (bring your own)
Event Organised by:
Hamilton City Council. Contact is Philip King (07 838 6991).

March 2nd - 9th   Seaweek 2008
Saturday 8th
Raglan Sea Festival/Dolphin Day and Recycled Raft Race at the Kopua Domain.
It will be a fun, family day with lots of activities happening including raft making, art fool, face painting, raft racing, paddle boating and picnicking! If you are interested in being involved on the day as a volunteer or you know of any entertainers we still have a few spots left so don’t be shy to give the Whaingaroa Environment Centre a call - Phone: 00 64 (0)7  825 0480  Web site: www.whaingaroa.org.nz

The national Seaweek website can be found at : http://www.seaweek.org.nz/
Sam Stephens Coastal Community Facilitator  Environment
DDI: (07) 859 0542 
Mobile: 021 792 561   www.ew.govt.nz

Starting March 12
Wednesday Organic Gardening courses
For 4 weeks total, from 10 – 12,  at Waimarie Community House, 53 Wellington St, Phone Cheryl 834 2249 at the Hamilton Permaculture Trust.

Thursday March 13
Forest and Bird – Phil Brown, Wild Life Photographer
Phil Brown is talking on why some of our wild life is so endangereda dn how they are so uniqute to NZ. The important role that the Maungatautari Island Ecological Trust will have to play in preserving our wildlife. Phil is a well known photographer Hamilton Gardens, 7pm

Saturday March 15      
Forest and Bird - Working Bee Walter Scott Reserve
Track Maintenance, and putting up track markers etc
Meet at
9am at the Reserve. For directions and more information please contact the trip leaders, Anne and Dave Lee 07 843 6880

Sunday March 16 (daylight saving ends)
Forest and Bird -  Oturoa Rd, Oropi Walk
Easy walk on in the Oropi, Tauranga area. Walk is on private land. Leave
Hamilton at 9.30am Contact Bob Cumming 07 856 3891 for details.

Wednesday 19 March
Mangakotukutuku Stream Care Group
Releasing of last year's plantings -
5:00-6:30 pm - Sandford Park weeding:
Meet at
Waterford Rd entrance to Sandford Park. More details on www.streamcare.org.nz

Thursday March 27

9.30am – 4pm

Waikato is proud to bring you a one day workshop facilitated by renowned international speaker, Martin J Cowling.
This interactive workshop is a must for those who are working with volunteers, and will consider the key components for volunteer programmes.  Utilising research and current practice, Martin J Cowling will outline practical steps in building an effective volunteer program.
The session will initially focus on what motivates and demotivates 2nd Century volunteers. The day will then use this information to consider how to best manage the volunteer life cycle from recruitment on.
Please see the attached flyer for more information and registration form – numbers are strictly limited.
For all enquiries, contact Volunteering Waikato on 07 839 3191

Saturday 26 April
Mangakotukutuku Stream Care Group
2:30-4:00 pm - Releasing of last year's plantings - Sandford Park weeding:
Meet at
Waterford Rd entrance to Sandford Park. More details on www.streamcare.org.nz

Sustainable Living courses
Starting in the Second Term, coordinated by the Environment Centre, in conjunction with Adult Community Education at Wintec,
If you are interested in coming along to a 8 part series aimed at looking at all aspects of sustainable living - energy, water, travel, building, gardening, shopping, please contact Katherine 839 4452  
Sessions will be 2 hours, held 7 – 9 in the evenings and will be look at practical solutions and activities, with input from experts in the different areas. $5 per session.

Update of the
New Zealand Transport Strategy - Submission due this Friday

Funding  Envirofund 2008

Got an idea to make Hamilton more sustainable?Need financial support for a community focused project?
The Hamilton City Council Envirofund could provide the financial support your project needs.
What types of projects are funded?

  • Local environmental restoration projects;
  • Environmental seminars and workshops;
  • Environmental research that could provide direct benefits to Hamilton's environment;
  • Educational or promotional activities that raise awareness about environmental issues;
  • Practical environmental initiatives that involve community participation or increase community involvement.


Applications for the next Envirofund round close 31st March, 4pm.Apply Now! Applications are easy. Application forms and guidelines are available on-line at:


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