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Posted 15 years, 8 months ago    0 comments

 Annual General Meeting of the Waikato branch of the New Zealand Association for Environmental Education

 22 July 2009,

Environment Centre, 25 Ward St, Hamilton

5.30pm - 6.00pm nibbles

6.00 Presentation: Eco-classroom – Living Room project

Come and hear Michelle White, the Environmental Education Co-ordinator for Hukanui School, who will be speaking about Hukanui’s  Eco-classroom - Living Room  project which has developed since 2005. Building of the Living Room is due to start shortly. 

 Michelle has been the EE coordinator at Hukanui since 2005, after a year's leave to complete a Teacher Fellowship with The Royal Society of NZ.  She leads a team of enthusiastic teachers on the Environmental/Science team, and co-ordinates student groups (enviro council, paper recyclers, lunch composting, cultural garden caretakers, Eco-classroom Working Party, Seed and Gully restoration group and Student Guides).  Her main teaching role involves teaching ten week studies in Year 5/6 and Year 3/4 in enviroschools programmes.

 6.30 AGM

 All welcome.

 Enquiries Katherine Hay, 839 4452




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