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October/November 2010 events

Posted 14 years, 4 months ago    0 comments

News - We are on Facebook!

Check out and 'Like' the Waikato Environment Centre Facebook page - http://www.facebook.com/WaikatoRegion#!/pages/Waikato-Environment-Centre/123268667727260

Don't Forget - Reel Earth movies
The Age of Stupid today - Thursday
International mixture of short movies on Friday.
All start at 7.30. $8 pp, includes refreshments. (no icecreams or popcorn  sorry) In the Environment Centre 25 Ward St.
First in first served unless you have booked.
Parking down on the Wintec corner - ok after 5pm.
Thursday 4th November movies will follow the Hamilton Permaculture Trust AGM and are for people interested in growing and eating good food and caring for the soil.

Saturday 30 October

Hammond Bush weeding
From 1pm
This is also a critical time to get on top of the weed species in Hammond Bush. Please consider joining us for a couple of hours on the 30th.
We'll meet at the Malcolm St end of the boardwalk.

Stephen Hamilton
Chairperson, Riverlea Environment Society Inc.
Tel. +64 7 856 8355    www.resi.org.nz

Also Saturday 30 October

Biodiversity Forum at Tamahere

As this is on a Saturday and close to Hamilton this time, some people who would not normally be able to go may be able to attend this one. These days are well worth attending, interesting speakers, and visits. The outline of the day and Registration form attached. 


RSVP by Wednesday 27th October

Saturday 6 November

e- Day 2010
Clean up NZ's Waste - Recycle your electronic waste - computers, mice, computer speakers, printers and cartridges, scanners, laptops, mobile phones, keyboards, networking equipment, cameras.
Not tvs or appliances
Habitat for Humanity, 29 Bryant Rd, Te Rapa, 9am - 3pm.
Cars only - no trailers.

Saturday 6 November

Seed and seedling swap  at 4pm, at 154 Old Farm Road.

Everyone is welcome.
There is a facebook "event" page here:

November 3rd. 10th. 17th. 24th.


Presented by the Hamilton Permaculture Trust

Wednesday evenings for 4 weeks 6 to 8pm.

Learn the basics to siting a vegetable garden and maintaining it with organic practices
Prepare to put sustainable practices in place for a successful summer garden
• Composting
• Worm farming
• Liquid fertilizers
• Mulch
• No-dig gardens
• Companion planting
• Rotational planting
• Seed saving
• Lunar planting

WHERE: Held at Waimarie Community House, 53 Wellington Street, Hamilton East.
With a community garden on site to view examples.
Course includes a guided tour of the Sustainable Backyard
COST: $10 / class
CONTACT:Cheryl 834 2249 or 0211390935

9th November

Erosion workhop - Te Kuiti
The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry is sponsoring a series of eight workshops around the North Island on the impact of soil erosion on economic and environmental sustainability. These workshops are supported by Regional Councils and will provide participants with expertise in erosion recognition, processes and treatment options.

Environment Waikato would like to invite you to attend the Te Kuiti Workshop on the 9th of November from 9am to 5pm. The workshop will be held at the Community Cultural and Arts Centre Corner of King and Jennings Streets Te Kuiti. Admission is free and lunch is provided.
The day will be led and presentations given by Garth Eyles and Norm Ngapo who have an immense knowledge on erosion, its impacts and mitigation, having been involved in related fields since the mid 1960’s. They are joined by local Environment Waikato Land Management Officers Rien Van de Weteringh and Adrian Jepson.
This is an open invitation so feel free to bring along anyone who you feel could benefit or has an interest in erosion including your neighbours, farm managers/staff or colleagues.
Please register before Wednesday 3rd November by phoning: Su Davie on (07) 859 0857 or 0800 800 401 or emailing su.davie@ew.govt.nz.

Yours faithfully
Tane Desmond, Rien van de Weteringh and Adrian Jepson
Environment Waikato
River and Catchment Services

Sunday 21st November

10am to 2pm.
Phone Nick on 853 2660 or 027 404 5384 to reserve your site.
Camellia carpark
Bring a trailer of plants and sell to all the plant enthusiasts.
Site Fee $20
Please send to N. Aitken, 23c Howden Road, Fairfield Hamilton 3214
email mystery@webnet.co.nz


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