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Organic Training Day July 24th

Posted 14 years, 8 months ago    0 comments

OFNZ Training day on July 24th 9.30am

Venue: Greenspace at 60 Te Aroha St Hamilton

Keen to certify all or some of your produce? Got some organic challenges to overcome, or successful techniques to share?
Want to know more about organic growing, certification? Think it’s too expensive? Too Complicated? Unnecessary?
Then come and learn more and/or let us give you a helping
hand with the certification process.
Free for potential new members, existing members and
consumers of organic produce. Limited registrations

Training will be covering the requirements of certification, overview, history and explaining how the standards work and the pod structure.
TRAINING DAY: will be one day followed by a number of field trips.
Peter Downard to be the main presenter.
VENUE: Greenspace 60 Te Aroha St
9.30 Introductions
10.00 History of Organic Certification in NZ
10.30 Cuppa
10.45 How the OFNZ Standard Works
11.30 The certification process
12.30 Lunch Break
1.00 Practical exercise, preparing a property management plan
3.00 Pods and membership options
3.30 Facilitated Q&A
4.30 Finish
To register please email tim@greenfootprint.co.nz
Include name(s), address, phone numbers, and reason for wishing
to attend; are you a grower/producer interested in becoming certified, a retailer, a consumer of organic food etc.

More info see attached pdf.

24julyTraining day.pdf

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