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Talks, anti-drilling event, WEL funding reminder

Posted 12 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

Thursday 2 August

Winter Lecture Series starts

All at HCC lounge, Garden Place, 12 - 1pm.

First of 5 lectures themed around Hope for today and tomorrow.
The first one is from Anna Cox and Rose Black, 
Poverty and Inequality: Growing awareness and action for change.

Next week's (9 August) is Sally Hewlett, Programmes coordinator (Asia/Pacific Region), Childfund New Zealand. After completing her degree at University of Waikato, Sally travelled extensively to nearly 70 countries learning about the political, social and environmental issues affecting so many of the world's people before joining ChildFund NZ.
Brochures available from the Environment Centre.

Saturday 4th August

4pm. Come and join in the Hands across the sand event in Raglan at Ngarunui Beach, off Wainui Road near the surf life saving tower.
For more information go to  www.handsacrossthesand.com as it is happening all over the world this Saturday, primarily to protect the ocean from deep sea oil drilling.

Monday 6 August

OrganicFarmNZ meeting

7.30pm    Anyone is welcome to attend
‘Understanding Soil Reports for the Organic Grower’: a presentation by certified organic grower and teacher Peter Downard

Environment Centre, 25 Ward St, Hamilton

Tony Banks  Chairperson OrganicFarmNZ (Waikato),  ph 07 856 461

Friday 31st August  
WEL Energy Trust applications due

The 2012/2013 Community Grants Funding Round is now open. Application forms can be completed online or downloaded from our website www.welenergytrust.co.nz. Please ensure that you read the Community Funding Guidelines attached to the application form in order to determine if your project is eligible for Trust funding.

Applications close on 31 August 2012. All sections of the application form must be fully completed and returned to the Trust Office, together with supporting documentation, by no later than 5pm on Friday 31 August 2012.

Trust staff are available to assist with any enquiries so please either phone us on 838-0093 or email us at funding@welenergytrust.co.nz.



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