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Permaculture Activities and Events

Posted 15 years, 1 month ago    0 comments

The Hamilton Permaculture Trust has a great list of events coming up this year. For  a full list of details please see attached pdf.

27 February is the Good Life Expo at the Hamilton Gardens. If you want a stall please contact Cheryl 834 2249
Speakers include Charmaine Poutney and Tanya Cumberland, Xanthe White, Ian Mayes, and others. Take a guided tour around the Te Parapara Garden with Wiremu Puke. Bring your children to see the productive animals, learn about bee keeping, and lots more.

PDC:  There is also a 12 part Permaculture Design Certificate, starting with the first weekend  on the 20th and 21st February. The other modules  are one day.

Adobe oven workshop 20th 21st March

Organic Gardening course Wednesday mornings 10 - 12
Beginnning March 10th to March 31st.
Popular course held at Waimarie Community House with Community garden on site for viewing examples.


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