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Permaculture Design Workshop

Posted 9 years ago    0 comments

Permaculture Design Workshop

Climate and Water

Tutors: Robin McIntyre & Simon Thomson

This workshop will take you from global patterns to local detail. You will develop a better understanding of climates and weather pat-terns, and how these are being affected by the way we live. You will be able to identify the climatic conditions that affect your home, town/city, region and country. You will look at the hydrological cycle, water conservation, devices/technology aids, harvesting/storage (rainwater, dams, and swales) and water quality and be able to set for your home or design project the next step you can take to make the most of this valuable resource.


When: Saturday 19 March, 9am­–5pm

Where: Hamilton


Fee: $135

Note: This session can be attended as a workshop or be credited towards a Permaculture Design Certificate (Module 2). To register email: permaculture@envirocentre.org.nz

See Attached

Mod 2 Climate and Water web.pdf

To find out more about the Modular Permaculture Design Certificate course and the requirements for the certificate see our website

or call us on 839 4452.





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