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Port Waikato work Postponed, Pukemokemoke planting bee, Tamahere potting morning,

Posted 10 years, 8 months ago    0 comments

Port Waikato Environmental Work postponed.

Due to the heavy rain today's planting day at Port Waikato has been postponed to later next week. I'll be in touch as soon as I have a definite date. Have a great and dry day!
Cheers Karen, email k.opie@xtra.co.nz

Pukemokemoke Planting Bee

Sat 19th July, 1-5pm

Hope you can make it. Bring a spade, gloves and afternoon tea!

Alan Leadley,   Em: mualleadley@xtra.co.nz

Ph. 07-855291907-8552919      Mob: 0272249622


Tamahere Potting Morning

Friday 18th July 2014, 9am - 12 noon

At Tamahere Nursery, Devine Rd, off Airport Rd, next to Tamahere School Hall.

Bring your morning tea. For more info, contact Catherine Smith, email 2smiths@wave.co.nz 07 855 829607 855 8296.

Growing Animals

Saturday 19 July 2014, 1pm - 4pm

At Judy Chrystall's property at 99 Whitikahu Rd, Taupiri

Cost: $5 per person (pay on the day). A handout will be provided. 

Come along to learn about integrating animals into your small farm/garden system. Discussions include which animals, effects of, and animal welfare. Organic food provided by Ceres. Register with Tony Banks bankst@ihug.co.nz. Pre-registration essential - participant numbers limited.

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