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Pukemokemoke / HOGS meeting

Posted 12 years, 5 months ago    0 comments

Pukemokemoke October work day

Saturday 13 October, anytime between 1 and 5pm

Please note that this working bee is not being held on the usual 3rd Saturday - that will be Labour weekend.

The tasks will include building more boardwalk, clearing weeds and planting a few remaining trees.  Do come, bring friends and afternoon tea and enjoy!

Contact person: Alan Leadley 07 8552919 or on mualleadley@xtra.co.nz


HOGS meeting – Supporting School Gardens

Monday 15 October, 7.30pm

Te Whare o te Ata, 60a Sare Crescent, Fairfield

(Car parking spaces are limited so you may park on Clarkin Road and walk across the park.)

Avis Leeson will be speaking about her experiences of gardening with schools and children. Andrea Soanes from Enviroschools will also be talking about their school Kai project and how this might link to HOGs and community members.



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