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F and B wetland trip and Pukemokemoke Planting

Posted 13 years, 8 months ago    0 comments

Sunday 10th July

Forest and Bird Wetland trip

This Sunday -  to mark the 40th anniversary of the Ramsar Convention. Wetland specialist Keith Thompson will take us to a spot near Tahuna to overview the Kopuatai Dome,  and then to Torehape Wetland Reserve followed by a visit to the nearby peat mine.

This reserve protects the remnant of what was once a large peat dome. It is also the home of the giant rush Sporodanthus and wetland birds such as the fernbird. We could also look out for a newly discovered moth (Houdinia flexilissima), whose thread-like larvae live inside cane rush stems.

We will aim to have lunch at Ngatea (and comfort stop). We will return either via Miranda or Whangamarino - depending on the day.

Meet at 10am at River Road by Memorial Park to car pool and get map.
Take gumboots, raincoat, lunch (or buy lunch at Ngatea) Binoculars could be handy too. 

Please email Katherine: khay@pear.co.nz if you are coming or phone 839 4452 (10 - 4) or 856 1906 a/h and want to meet elsewhere.

Reminder: To hear about cancellations: phone 0900 72 346 from 8am (small payment involved)

Saturday 16 July

There will be a working bee at Pukemokemoke on Saturday 16th July, 1-4pm,our regular third Sat of the month. There is a lot of planting to be done stilll.

One or two of us are going to be at the Reserve this Saturday (9th) if it isn't pouring with rain, in case anyone wants to join us. You are very welcome. Bring your gumboots and spade or shovel!

Alan Leadley
Ph: 07-8552919
Cell Ph: 0272249622
Email: mualleadley@xtra.co.nz


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