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Waikato Botanical Society - November trips

Posted 13 years, 4 months ago    0 comments

Saturday 5 November 2011: Tawarau Forest, Waitomo

Grade: Medium

Leader: Thomas Emmitt temmitt@doc.govt.nz. or ph 07 878 1080 (wk) or 07 878 4737 (hm)


Sunday 13 November 2011: Kayaking Raglan Harbour

Trip duration: approx 3.5 hours

Meet Bow Street jetty, Raglan 9:45am (or depart Hamilton 8:45 am). From the jetty we will paddle across to the Te Akau side of Raglan harbour to explore the limestone coast and its unique flora. Bring a packed lunch and kayaking clothing. Single kayak hire is $40 and double $60.

Text Fiona Clarkson 0212529187 or emailfmc3@waikato.ac.nz if you wish to join this expedition. Single kayak hire is $40 and double $60. Alternative bad-weather date is Sunday 27 November 2011.

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