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Waikato River Trails Grand Opening; Waikato Biodiversity Forum

Posted 13 years, 4 months ago    52 comments

Waikato River Trails Grand Opening

5 November 2011

Walking or Cycling Event:

8km or 14km walk, or 14km bike ride

Whakamaru Reserve (mid-way along the north side of Whakamaru Lake, on Ongaroto Road, State Highway 30).

 For full details and registration, see forms attached to this notice or visit  www.waikatorivertrails.com

Waikato River Trails Opening Day Registration Form.pdf

Waikato River Trails Grand Opening Flyer-1.pdf

WRT Grand Opening Location Map.pdf


Waikato Biodiversity Forum

Monday 28 November 2011

Community Events Centre, Woollams Ave, Coromandel

This is an opportunity to increase your knowledge of the management of endangered species on the Coromandel Peninsula, and meet with others who undertake biodiversity work and share stories on successes, challenges and solutions for species protection

Registration by Wednesday 23 November 2011. Registration form, attached, can be submitted by:

Email to Moira at m.cursey@xtra.co.nz, phone 07 846 5066 or 027 22232191, or post to Moira Cursey, 31 Friesian Place, Hamilton.


Waikato Biodiversity Forum.pdf


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