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Sustainable Waikato public meeting tonight, Hamilton Permaculture Trust AGM,

Posted 13 years, 4 months ago    0 comments

Sustainable Waikato public meeting tonight

(held by Engineers for Social Responsibility Waikato-BOP Branch and Royal Society of New Zealand Waikato Branch)

Tuesday 1 November 2011

7 pm - 8.30 pm

University of Waikato campus: S Block, Room SG.01 building opposite the new Library, Parking Gate 7, Hillcrest Road and Gate 1 Knighton Road, Hamilton.

An opportunity to question Hamilton parliamentary candidates on their views and intended policy directions.

Chairman: Barry Coates, Executive Director, Oxfam NZ

Contacts: Norm Stannard Secretary ESRNZ Waikato Branch, 07 855 6579 and Paul Taylor President, RSNZ Waikato Branch 07 854 7722.


Hamilton Permaculture Trust AGM

Thursday 3 November 2011, 6pm

Waikato Environment Centre, Level One, 25 Ward Street, Hamilton

Alex Kravchenko, Ukranian-born web eco-enonomist studying at Waikato University, will talk about issues such as food security, water scarcity and quality in New Zealand, as well as his new website www.homegrownmaps.com which he created since coming to New Zealand. The website encourages access for local food producers and consumers.

Supper will be provided. All welcome.

Please confirm your attendance to: permaham@actrix.co.nz or 07 834 2249


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