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Volunteering Waikato Workshop, Sustainable Coastlines, Kalu Yala Internship

Posted 13 years ago    0 comments

Volunteering Waikato Workshop

Retaining Volunteers

- how to keep them engaged, productive and happy

Tuesday, 6 March 2012, 9am – 1pm (morning tea provided)

NZ Red Cross, 422 Te Rapa Road, Hamilton (next to Bunnings. Parking in Bunnings Carpark)

Booking essential (see form attached)

Workshop Facilitator - Jenny Magee

“Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed citizens to change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that has.” Margaret Mead was so right and volunteers have the capacity to transform your organisation if you provide the conditions to encourage and support them.

Workshop covers:

• Understanding the motivation to volunteer

• Key principles of volunteer connection

• Managing the critical points of the volunteer life-cycle

• Rewarding the behaviour you want in ways that they will appreciate

Retaining Volunteers Registration Form 2012.pdf


NZ beaches: 100% impure

Sustainable Coastlines are involved in coastal cleanup sessions around the country - particularly during summer when human activity along our coasts increases signficantly. 

If you'd like to be involved, some upcoming cleanups in this region include The Great Coromandel Coastal Cleanup  3 -5 March 2012, and the Hyundai Tour Coastal Clean-up at Port Waikato 2 - 3 March 2012. For full details visit http://www.sustainablecoastlines.org.

You might also find this NZ Herald article informative: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10780372


Kalu Yala Internships

Kalu Yala is in the early stages of developing a 7,000 acre river valley property in the Panamanian highlands. The project aims to develop a sustainable town, by harnessing the efforts of an outstanding group of people who believe in sustainable practices and lifestyles.

Interns are now being selectred for the upcoming (Panama) summer term. Summer 2012 internship packet is attached with details and a program application.

Summer2012Internship Packet.pdf

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