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Right House's Low Income Insulation Project, and Royal Society of New Zealand Lecture - TOMORROW 1 FEBRUARY 2012.

Posted 13 years, 1 month ago    0 comments

Unquenchable: America’s water crisis and what to do about it

Professor Robert Glennon, University of Arizona

 6.00pm Wednesday 1 February 2012

Concert Chamber, Gallagher Academy of Performing Arts, University of Waikato (via Gates 1, 2, 2b - Knighton Road, Hamilton)

Professor Robert Glennon discusses the contents of his book “Unquenchable: America’s Water Crisis and What To Do About It” - the heady extravagances and everyday waste that are sucking the USA dry.

USA’s water woes will worsen before they get better because the USA is slow to change its ways, and because water is an overlooked resource. The USA's love affair with biofuels will turn to heartbreak once the USA realizes  thousands of gallons of water are required to produce a gallon of fuel. Professor Glennon argues that the USA cannot engineer its way out of this problem. The USA must make hard choices — Professor Glennon's answer is a provocative market-based system that values water as a commodity and a fundamental human right. Professor Glennon’s answers have a global context and resonate with issues being faced in New Zealand.

Robert Glennon is Morris K. Udall Professor of Law and Public Policy at Rogers College of Law at University of Arizona and the author of articles and books including Water Follies: Groundwater Pumping and the Fate of America’s Fresh Waters.

Further information contact: brent.clothier@plantandfood.co.nz



Right House are an approved ENERGYWISE Warm Up New Zealand: Heat Smart programme provider, and are running a programme to install free insulation in up to 2000 homes in the South Auckland and Hamilton areas.

Qualifying requirements:

  • ·         Homeowner or tenant of the property must have a Community Services Card
  • ·         The home is pre-2000
  • ·         Not a State House
  • ·         Both the ceiling and under floor can be insulated.

If you'd like to benefit from the offer then contact Right House directly on 0800 744 484 before the end of February 2012. If this programme is oversubscribed then Right House can put your details on a waiting list for future projects of this nature which they hope to run.

If you don’t qualify for this programme, then you may still qualify for government subsidy of up to 33% of the cost of installing ceiling and underfloor insulation (up to a maximum of $1300 incl GST).  For further information visit http://www.righthouse.co.nz/"


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