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World in Transition: A Social Contract for Sustainability, Governance Training, Thames Heritage Week

Posted 13 years, 1 month ago    0 comments

11am Thursday, 23 February 2012

University of Waikato, Block S, Room S.1.03

Professor Schlacke will speak regarding the flagship report from German Advisory Council on Global Change (“WBGU”):

World in Transition: A Social Contract for Sustainability

The Council’s report elaborates on the technological potential for comprehensive decarbonisation that is available, outlines business and financing models for the transition, and points out that political instruments needed for a climate friendly transformation are widely known.  The Council also describes how the requisite transformation encompasses profound changes to infrastructures, production processes, regulation systems and lifestyles, and extends to a new kind of interaction between politics, society, science and the economy. Various multi-level path dependencies and obstacles must be overcome. Furthermore, the transformation can only succeed if nation states put global cooperation mechanisms before their own short-term oriented interests, in order to make a trend reversal, particularly as far as the global economy is concerned, towards climate-friendliness and sustainability possible. And not least, from a global perspective, this is also about issues of fairness – issues that need resolving. To view the report http://www.waikato.ac.nz/law/

Sabine Schlacke is a Professor of Public Law, specialising German, European and International Environmental and Administrative Law at Bremen University.



 9 am - 4 pm Monday 27 February 2012

Community Waikato

33 Victoria Street, Hamilton

Boards that make a difference – a board of a not-for-profit organisation can build or break an organisation.  Learn:

  • Simple tips and strategies that can make a board a key asset.
  • What board members need to do to make their contribution to the organisation effective and valued.
  • Strategic thinking, working with management, running effective meetings and how to be the board member that every board wants.

Lunch and morning and afternoon tea provided. Please advise of dietary requirements.

Not-for-Profit community organisation members $90. Otherwise $160.






Dietary requirements…………………………………………………………………….

To reserve your place, payment must be made no later than 21 February 2012.

Invoice provided upon receipt of registration. Community Waikato’s account number is 03-1559 0071285-00 - please reference your organisation’s name when making a deposit.

No parking in Community Waikato staff parking area. Parking available next door ($5 for the day, bring coins).

Further details: contact Sally 07 8381583 or sally@communitywaikato.org.nz


Thames Heritage Week

9 - 18 March 2012

More than 40 events including guided walks, men’s shed tours, markets, cooking demonstrations, dinner theatre, music and entertainment – including historical methods for fabrics, adapted for today’s ecological need to recycle, re-use, re-invent or be earth-friendly.

We particularly noted, amongst the many local and sustainability orientated activities and events, the Eco expo at Moanataieri School - everything about organic and sustainable living. The emphasis is on turning back the clock to traditional food and technologies to help sustain us in the future.  Expo includes food and produce stalls, clothing, transport alternatives, fuels, building information, power and water systems and much more.

And this year Thames Heritage Market will join the weekly Saturday Market in Grahamstown to make it one big event celebrating the 2012 Thames Heritage Week. 

For a complete list of activities go to thameheritage.co.nz or phone Rex Simpson 0212650900 or email rexsimpson@hotmail.com.

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