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Bike Wise February 2012 Hamilton Events

Posted 13 years, 1 month ago    0 comments

Crawshaw/Nawton Bike Wise Day

12pm - 1:30pm Sunday 12 February 2012

Dominion Road Reserve, Nawton, Hamilton

Cycle challenges, music, face painting, free bike checks, food and iceblocks for sale.

Bring bike, helmet, picnic and closed shoes.

More information, contact Kevin Hogg, 021 317 079


A Talk by Roger Geller

12 pm - 1pm, Friday 17 February 2012

Reception Lounge, main Hamilton City Council building, Garden Place, Hamilton

HCC invites you to hear Roger Geller, bicycle coordinator for the City of Portland, United States of America, deliver his keynote speech made at the 2012 Walking and Cycling Conference (Hastings). Roger's key messages includes an explanation of how investing in infrastructure for cycling saved Portland tens of millions of dollars in road expansion projects that would otherwise have been necessary to prevent severe congestion.

Tea & coffee provided.

More information: Gethin Morgan 07 958 5965


Mayoral Challenge

10:30am - 1pm Sunday 19 February 2012

Garden Place, Hamilton

Follow Mayor Julie Hardacker around Hamilton's CBD on your bike and lap up the festivities in Garden Place. This is Hamilton's 4th Mayoral Challenge and is set to be the biggest and best yet!  Music, cycle challenges, face painting and much more.

Bring bike, helmet, and closed shoes.

More information: Steve Taylor 021 240 9782


Hamilton East Bike Wise Day

12pm - 2pm Sunday 26 February 2012

Steele Park, Grey Street, Hamilton

Cycle challenges, music, face painting, free bike checks...and have a go at unicycling!

Bring: bike, helmet, picnic and closed shoes.

More information: Sarah Oliver 021 942 922

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