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Friends of Waiwhakareke Working Bee, Green Ribbon Awards Nominations

Posted 12 years, 12 months ago    0 comments

Friends of Waiwhakareke Working Bee

9am - 12noon, Saturday 25 February  2012

Meet:  Brymer Road entrance opposite Hamilton Zoo

Weeding around trees planted on Arbor Day. This is a really important working bee to save small plants from smothering by weeds.

Bring gumboots, gloves, weeding tools, morning tea.   

Enquiries: Moira Cursey 07 846 5066


Maui’s Dolphin Day

10am - 5pm 10 March 2012

Te Kopua Domain, Raglan

Current stage schedule and list of stallholders follows. If you would like to be a part of the day, contact Whaingaroa Environment Centre, Town Hall, Bow Street, Raglan  07 825 0480 or wenvc@kol.co.nz


10am Welcome

10:10am Kindy Rock

10:50am Peggy Oki introducing...

11:00 am Dr. Liz Slooten – Maui’s and Hector’s dolphins

11:40am Raft Race

1:00pm Blue Stratos (Ashley Knox)

1:30pm Sustainable Coastlines – marine debris

1:40pm ASR – marine debris in Whaingaroa catchment and sea

1:50pm Project Jonah – what they do

2:00pm Antonio Te Maioha

2:20pm Department of Conservation

2:30pm Little Lapin

3:00pm Karin Bettley

3:40pm Marten ten Broek

4:20pm Peggy Oki introducing…

4:30pm Prizegiving with Dave Rastovich

5:00pm Screening of Minds in the Water (in Sustainable Coastlines container)


Forest and Bird

Whiangaroa Environment Centre


Sustainable Coastlines education shipping container


A Rocha

Department of Conservation

Project Jonah

Raglan Community House

Let’s Face It – visual petition

Waitetuna Community Group (food fundraiser)

Raglan Kindergarten (food fundraiser)

Waikato Regional Council – Bruno David - unconfirmed

Fisheries Education Trailer – unconfirmed

Green Party – unconfirmed


Ministry for the Environment's

Green Ribbon Awards

Nomination deadline 5pm Friday 23 March 2012

Presented by the Minister for the Environment to recognise outstanding contributions by individuals, organisations, businesses, and communities to protect and enhance NZ's environment. 

Awards available in 12 categories - see www.mfe.govt.nz/green-ribbon for details of awards, and details for making nominations.

You can nominate yourself, your organisation, community group, service or product, and you can nominate someone else who you think deserves recognition (if you haven't time or enough information about someone else, you can email their details to green.ribbon@mfe.govt.nz and the Ministry will send them an invitiation to submit a nomination).

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