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Environmental Initiatives Fund; WBF Walk, Bike and Bush Picnic; Waikwhakareke Picnic and Walk; Volunteering Waikato Consultation Workshop

Posted 13 years ago    0 comments

Environmental Initiatives Fund

application closing date: 1 April 2012

Waikato Regional Council's Environmental Initiatives Fund provides one-off grants to projects that directly enhance and/or benefit the environment or provide environmental education.

For full details: http://www.waikatoregion.govt.nz/Community/Whats-happening/Funding-and-scholarships/#Heading1


Waikato Biodiversity Forum: Walk, Bike and Bush Picnic


Saturday 17 March 2012

Walk or cycle beside the Kaniwhaniwha Stream, Te Pahu and along the Nikau Track (Mount Pirongia) while enjoying beautiful native bush and restoration plantings.

AND go on a guided walk to explore caves, find out what’s in the stream and watch electric fishing (weather permitting), learn about the birds and plants of the forest, and hunt to find bush treasures.

Sausage sizzle provided along with drink and snack bar.

Bring additional water and picnic lunch.

Shared transport available from Hamilton to Kaniwhaniwha Stream

Bookings by 14 March 2012 to Moira Cursey m.cursey@xtra.co.nz, 07 846 5066, 0272223791

If weather is wet, call 0800 BIO DIV (0800 246 348) before 8.30am for notification of cancellation.


Waikwhakareke Natural Heritage Park - Picnic and Guided Walk

3 - 5pm Sunday 18 March 2012

Gate at Baverstock Road, Nawton, Hamilton

Unique opportunity to hear about what's happened at the Park, take a guided walk around the area, and learn about future plans.

BYO picnic food and drink.

For further details or cancellation: Moira Cursey m.cursey@xtra.co.nz, 07 846 5066.


Volunteering Waikato Strategic Plan – Consultation Workshop

 10am - 12pm Tuesday 27 March, 2012

Community Waikato, 33 Victoria Street, Hamilton

Volunteering Waikato’s Board is reviewing its strategic plan and will be seeking valuable input from stakeholders.  Please attend the Consultation Workshop to let us know as to how we can improve our services to meet your needs and how changes in your organisation over the next 5 years may inform how we work with you.

Coffee/tea available from 9.45am, start promptly at 10am. Light lunch supplied at conclusion.

RSVP to manager@volunteeringwaikato.org.nz before 20 March 2012 for workshop planning and catering purposes. 

For those unable to attend, a report of the meeting will be circulated for input.

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